Enabling Monitoring of a Component or Domain

For PeopleTools 8.55 and later, both the PPM (PeopleSoft Performance Monitor) agent and the JMX (Java Management Extensions) agents are enabled by default. While the PPM agent is required for component registration, the JMX agent is required for real-time monitoring in PeopleSoft Health Center.

A component or domain is automatically registered with the PPM agent.

If the PPM agent is disabled after the component is registered, the component will still be accessible in Health Center, but it will no longer generate PPM PMU or Event data.

To enable or disable the PPM agent, you modify the value of the Enable PPM Agent parameter in the PSTOOLS section of PSADMIN. If you set the value to 1, the PPM agent is enabled; if you set the value to 0, the PPM agent is disabled.

See Disabling Performance Monitor Agents.

PeopleSoft Health Center automatically authenticates the participating components or domains.

A participating component or domain is authenticated using the following credentials:

  • For the Web server component (PIA domain), the JMX agent uses the same user name and password that you enter in the Web server administration console.

  • For the Tuxedo components (application server and Process Scheduler domains), the JMX agent uses the user name and password that is entered in the Tuxedo domain configuration file.

If JMX agents are disabled, the data pertaining to the disabled agent will not be available in OpenSearch Dashboards. When you do not want to monitor a particular domain, in addition to disabling the JMX agents in configuration files, the JSON file related to that domain should be deleted from the <LOGSTASH_HOME>\pt\jmxmonitor location to avoid unnecessary errors in Logstash logs. However the system continues to monitor other domains without interruption.

To enable or disable the JMX agents for the application server and Process Scheduler domains, you modify the value of the Enable Remote Administration parameter in the PSTOOLS section of PSADMIN. Set the value to 1 to enable the JMX agents; set the value to 0 to disable the JMX agents.

When you set Enable Remote Administration to 1, a lightweight rmiregistry daemon process starts on the machine.