Metric Definitions

This section discusses the attributes of a metric definition.

Note: Only PeopleSoft should modify metric definitions. Modifying metric definitions at your site could cause unexpected results.

Field or Control


Metric Identifier

A numeric value acting as the unique identifier, or key, for a metric definition.

Metric Type

Displays the type of the metric definition. Metric types are:

  • Counter: A counter metric is designed to enable sums of values from a specific time range to be calculated.

    Examples are bytes printed and records written. The values can also be averaged, maximums and minimums can be calculated, and other kinds of statistical calculations can be performed

  • Gauge: A gauge metric is designed to be used instead of a counter when it is not meaningful to calculate sum values that are recorded within a time range.

    Calculations that are performed on gauge metrics include: average, standard deviation, median, maximum value, and minimum value. For example, the amount of memory that is used on a server is a gauge metric type. If you measure the amount of memory that is used over 20 transactions in a time range, the sum of the memory that is used is not necessarily useful. However, the average, median, and standard deviation provide insight into usage per transaction.

  • Numeric Identifier: A numeric identifier is a numeric value that is used as an identifier, not as a measurement value.

    Creating sums and averages, or manipulating these values in any arithmetic way is not meaningful. For example, message numbers and error codes are numeric identifier metric types.

  • String: Used with metric definition attributes that need to be represented as text, not a numeric value.

    Arithmetic operations are not performed on string metric types. For example, descriptive attributes, such as site path, file name, and so on, are string metric types.

Metric Label

This metric label appears on any page that displays a metric to describe the metric value.


Displays a more detailed description of the purpose of the metric.

Metric Multiplier

Enables you to manipulate metric values using a multiplier.

The multiplier determines how the metrics appears on a PeopleSoft page. For example, if a metric is in milliseconds and you want to change it to display in seconds, you would specify a multiplier of 1000.

If the value does not need to be manipulated (increased or decreased), the multiplier is 1.0.

Display Metric As an Integer

Metrics can appear as a real number (with decimals) or integers (without decimals).

For example, an average duration appears as a real number, while a sum of SQL Statement executions must appear as an integer.

To display the metric as an integer, select this check box. To display the metric as a real number, clear this check box.

User Defined Display Text

This section provides flexibility when you are defining metrics. For example, you can assign labels to particular values that are returned by functions. Based on a particular return value, the system displays various label values. Typically, this would be used in the case of Boolean values, such as the case with metric 23, Is this a Pagelet. If a 0 is returned, the system displays No. If a 1 is returned, the system displays Yes.

Field or Control


Display Value/Label

Enables you to determine what appears on the pages displaying a metric.

These options are mutually exclusive.

Select Display Value to display the actual value. SelectDisplay Label to display the label describing the metric value.

Metric Value

The actual value of a user-defined metric value.

Metric Value Label

The label that is associated with a user-defined metric value.