Scheduling the Reaper Program

The reaper program is a delivered PeopleSoft Application Engine program named PSPM_REAPER. The reaper program maintains the PeopleTools tables that the Performance Monitor uses to store performance data for current, real-time processing.

When the PSPPMSRV gets notified that a PMU has finished (it receives a STOP for an open PMU), it:

  • Flags the corresponding start and update rows in the current PMU table (PSPMTRANSCURR) for deletion.

  • Inserts a row for the completed PMU in the PSPMTRANSHIST table.

When the reaper program (PSPM_REAPER) runs, it:

  • Deletes all rows in current PMU table (PSPMTRANSCURR) that are flagged for deletion.

  • Sets the status to timed out for expired PMUs in the current tables.

To run the reaper program:

  1. Select PeopleTools > Performance Monitor > Administration > Purge Performance Data.

  2. Select or add a run control ID.

  3. Click Run.

PeopleTools delivers a recurrence definition named PerfMon Reaper Recurrence, which is set to run every 15 minutes. Modify this recurrence definition, if necessary, and associate it with the PSPM_REAPER program to schedule the program to run at suitable intervals.

Warning! If you do not schedule the reaper program to run often enough, the PSPMTRANSCURR table will grow very large over time, and it may contain many old, open PMUs.