Setting Agent Filter Options

Access the Agent Filters page (PeopleTools, Performance Monitor, Administration, Filters for Monitored Agents).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Agent Filters page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Agent Filters page

Agent filters determine the amount of performance data that is generated and sent to the monitoring system. Depending on the situation, different levels of performance data may be needed to assist in your performance-related decisions. The levels range from no information to extremely detailed information.

Each type of PMU and event is associated with a filter level, which is the lowest level at which the system generates performance data for that PMU or event.

Field or Control


System ID

Identifies each monitored system. The PeopleSoft system automatically generates this value incrementally. System definitions are created automatically when the first agent of a monitored system registers with the monitoring system.

Database Name

The name of the PeopleSoft application database that is running on the monitored system. The monitoring system automatically inserts this value when it recognizes and creates a monitored system.

Reset All Filters

Enables you to uniformly adjust the agent filter levels across an entire system. Select the desired level and click Apply.

Agent Filters

The Agent Type column displays the types of agents that are currently known to the monitoring system.

The Last Update User ID column and Last Update Date/Time column display the user ID that last updated the filtering level and the date and time when the user made the last filtering level change.

The Filter Level column contains a drop-down list box for setting the filtering level. You have the following options:

  • 01 Standby: The monitor system sends no performance data to the monitor.

    Agents on this monitored system contact the monitor at an interval that is specified by the agent heartbeat interval.

  • 02 Error: Only error events are reported to the monitoring system by the agents.

  • 03 Warning: Only error and warning events are reported to the monitoring system by the agents.

  • 04 Standard: This is the default level of monitoring that is adopted by agents when they first register with the monitor.

    In addition to errors and warnings, PMUs and events with a filter level of Standard are reported to the monitoring system. This is the recommended setting for monitoring production environments. It provides sufficient diagnostic information to isolate performance problems without inundating the network or monitoring database with performance data.

  • 05 Verbose. In addition to errors and warnings, and standard PMUs and events, PMUs with a filter level of Verbose are reported to the monitoring system.

    This setting provides more detailed performance metrics and may, for some production systems, be worth the overhead that is associated with this monitoring level.

  • 06 Debug: In addition to errors and warnings, standard and verbose PMUs and events, PMUs with a filter level of Debug are reported to the monitoring system.

    This setting provides extremely detailed performance metrics and is not suitable for monitoring production systems. It is intended only for development and test environments.

Save and Notify Agents

Notifies the PPMI servlet of configuration changes that are made on this page. First, the system saves the changes to the database. Notification occurs through the PeopleSoft Integration Broker gateway. The monitor servlet notifies the agents of changes when the agents next communicate with the monitor. A delay occurs in publishing changes to the monitored systems. The maximum delay is the agent heartbeat interval.