Viewing Application Server Domain Performance

Access the Application Server Domain page (PeopleTools, Performance Monitor, System Monitor, Application Server Performance).

The Application Server Domain page displays the most recent performance data that was received from:

  • An application server domain monitor.

  • Each active application server agent within that application server domain.

Field or Control


Domain Name

Identifies the name of the current Tuxedo domain.

Domain Directory

Identifies the directory in which the domain is installed.

Agent Date/Time

The date and time according to the agent clock that the domain monitor used when it last sent performance data to the monitor.

Note: The date and the time appearing on this page always applies to the system on which the agent runs. Keep this in mind if you are monitoring systems in other time zones.


Appears only if the system detects stale data. Data is stale if no status events have been reported in the last sample interval for the system. For example, Status shows stale data if the application server is not booted.


Identifies the machine name and Jolt listening port of the application server domain.

Application Server Snapshots

This link enables you to view historical information snapshots for the current agent. By clicking this link, you see a list of all the domain agent timestamps for the current agent’s Event 300 (Host Resource Status). After you select a particular timestamp, the system displays the Application Server page containing performance information for that particular time. When you are viewing snapshot information, a message appears at the top of the page reminding you that the page contains historical performance data. You can view numerous snapshots using the same method.

Note: While viewing snapshots, the Refresh button is not available. To view the most current information, you must access the Application Server page using the menu.

Monitor Date/Time

The date and time that the monitoring system inserted the row of performance data into the monitoring database according to the database clock.

Last Page Refresh

Indicates the most recent time that the system refreshed the page either by loading the page into the browser or as a result of a user clicking the Refresh button.

See Monitoring Resource Usage.

Host Resource Status

The Metrics tab presents the same values that also appear on the System Performance page. The metrics show current resource utilization on the entire host machine, not just the resources that PeopleSoft uses.

The system derives these metrics from the most recent Event 300 (Host Resource Status) for the domain monitor process of that domain.

If the latest Event 300 monitor date or time is older than the event sample rate for the current agent’s system, the Stale Data icon appears at the top of the page.

Field or Control


%CPU Used

Displays the percentage of the CPU capacity being utilized on the host machine.

%Memory Used

Displays the percentage of committed memory used on the host. This percentage includes all memory used on the host and not just the memory used by PeopleSoft.

Hard Page Faults/Second

This is the number of accesses to virtual memory in the last second that require disk reads.

Total Tuxedo Connections

This is the number of connections to this domain, and it is equivalent to the number of rows that are returned by the Tuxedo command pclt (tmadmin), excluding JSH and WSH connections.

Total Tuxedo Requests Queued

The number of Tuxedo requests that are queued on that demand. A high number indicates that insufficient server processes are configured, or that the load on the host machine is too high.

The Events and PMUs tab presents links to the Event History, Open PMUs, and Completed PMUs pages.

When transferring to the Event History component, the system displays all of the data for the current day's Event 300 (Host Resource Status) rows for the current agent and the current system.

When transferring to the Open PMUs component, the system displays all of the data for the current day’s open PMUs for the current host and port and the current system.

When transferring to the Completed PMUs component, the system displays all of the data for the current day’s completed PMUs for the current host and port and the current system.

PQ Event Rows

This section presents the results of the tmadmin pq command (print queue). It enables you to view information that is related to the Tuxedo queues that are used by the server processes running within a domain.

The grid displays all Event 301 (Tuxedo "pq" Row) rows for the current agent with the same agent date or time appearing in the top portion of the page as the Event 300 (Host Resource Status).

Field or Control


Queue Name

Identifies the Tuxedo queue that is associated with a server process.

Server Name

Indicates the server process that is servicing a particular queue.

Server Count

Indicates the number of a particular server process type that are currently running. For example, it indicates that three PSAPPSRV server processes are currently running.

Queue Length

Indicates the current length of the queue, which is measured by the number of requests waiting to be processed. High queue lengths may indicate that more server processes need to be configured to run.

PSR Event Rows

This section presents the results of the tmadmin psr command (print server processes). This command enables you to view information that is related to all the server processes (monitored and non-monitored) running within a domain.

The grid displays all Event 302 (Tuxedo "psr" Row) rows for the current agent with the same agent date or time appearing at the top of the page as the Event 300 (Host Resource Status).

Field or Control


Server Name

Indicates the name of the server process, such as PSAPPSRV, PSMONITORSRV, and so on.

Server Instance ID

This is the instance ID that is assigned by Tuxedo to each server process. This number remains constant across recycles. Even if the PID changes, the instance ID remains constant.


Indicates the operating system process ID on the server.

Total Requests

Indicates the total number of requests that a server process has processed. Tuxedo continues to increment this number for a server instance even if the server recycles.

Current Service

Indicates whether the server process is idle or currently handling a request.

Monitored Servers

This section enables you to view information about the resources that are consumed by the monitored server processes running within a domain.

The grid displays an entry for each active application server agent within the same system and same host and port, and domain directory as the domain monitor agent. For each agent, the system retrieves the latest Event 200 (Resources Per Process) and its metrics are displayed. If no Event 200 exists for a particular agent, the system displays zeros.

The Metrics tab contains the following information.

Field or Control



Identifies the server process being monitored.

Server Instance

This is the instance ID that is assigned by Tuxedo to each server process. This number remains constant across recycles. Even if the PID changes, the instance ID remains constant.


The process ID that is assigned by the server operating system.

Agent Date/Time

The date and time according to the agent clock that the domain monitor used when it last sent performance data to the monitor.

Note: The date and the time appearing on this page always applies to the system on which the agent runs. Keep this in mind if you are monitoring systems in other time zones.

%CPU Used

Indicates the percentage of the CPU capacity that a particular server process is using.

CPU Time

The amount of CPU time that the process has consumed.


Indicates the amount of virtual memory that each server process is consuming.

The Events and PMUs tab contains links to the Event History, Open PMUs, and Completed PMUs pages.

When transferring to the Event History component, the system displays all data for the current day’s Event 200 (Resources Per Process) rows for the current agent and the current system.

When transferring to the Open PMUs component, the system displays all data for the current day’s open PMUs for the current agent and the current system.

When transferring to the Completed PMUs component, the system displays all data for the current day’s completed PMUs for the agent and the current system.

The Analytic Server Summary section in the monitored Application Server Domain page provides generic performance and status information of the analytic Servers running in the application server domain.

Field or Control


Total Configured Servers

The current maximum number of configured analytic servers in the application server domain.

Number Started Servers

The current number of analytic servers, started up and loaded with analytic instances.

Number Free Servers

The current number of analytic servers, started up and free.

Number Loaded Instances Today

Today's total number of analytic instances loaded.

Number Recycled Servers

Today's total number of analytic servers recycled for reuse.

Number Out Servers Today

Today's total number of times that the monitored domain runs out of analytic servers. Each time a client asks to load an analytic instance, a free analytic server gets assigned and dedicated to the analytic instance.