Viewing Component Statistics

Access the Component Statistics page (PeopleTools, Performance Monitor, Analytics, Component Performance Stats).

The Component Statistics page enables you to gather performance information that is related to a specific PeopleSoft component.

Field or Control


System ID

Identifies each monitored system. PeopleSoft automatically generates this value incrementally. System definitions are created automatically when the first agent of a monitored system registers with the monitoring system.

Database Name

The name of the PeopleSoft application database that is running on the monitored system. The monitoring system automatically inserts this value when it recognizes and creates a monitored system.

User ID

The user ID of the user who generated the request.

The user ID field prompts against the PSPMOPRDEFN table, which is populated by the Lookup program (PSPM_LOOKUP).

Performance Trace Name

You enter the performance trace name to search on PMUs within a particular performance trace. If a user has launched a performance trace in the Performance Console, the system labels every PMU that is generated in a business process with a performance trace name.

Performance Trace Name prompts against the PSPMPERFTRACE table, which is populated by the Lookup program (PSPM_LOOKUP).

Note: When searching using a performance trace name, the search ignores all agent IDs, so the current system ID is not relevant.

From/To Date/Time

Specify a range of time. The system searches on the monitor date and time, not the agent date and time. If you do not specify a time range, by default, the system displays information for the current day, starting at midnight (12:00 AM).


Select the component name.


Select the market to which the component belongs.


The Search button performs a search based on the search criteria that is defined on the page. It should be pressed only once per search. If you want to view the most current information, use theRefresh button after running the initial search. If you clickSearch repeatedly, the system returns the same results from the same time range for each search.


Updates the To Time value to equal the current time. This enables you to view the most current results of a search.

Component Execution Count

The number of times that a component was accessed within the specified time period.

This value is calculated by selecting the count of PMU 400 (Tuxedo Service PCode and SQL) rows that were found with the current search results.

Component Averages

The Component Averages section displays the average and standard deviation of the following metrics.

Field or Control



The average duration of the PMU 400 (Tuxedo Service PCode and SQL) rows that were run from this component.

SQL Fetch Count

The average number of SQL fetches that were run for this component.

The value is the average of metric 5 from all PMU 400 (Tuxedo Service PCode and SQL) rows with Context 1 equal to this component's name.

SQL Execute Count

The average number of SQL statements that were run for this component. The average of metric 6 from all PMU 400 (Tuxedo Service PCode and SQL) rows with Context 1 equal to this component's name.

Component Sizes

The Component Sizes chart displays the average and standard deviation of the component buffer sizes.

Field or Control


Receive Buffer Size

The average size of the data that the application server received from the web server during a JOLT request.

This is metric 2 for PMU 115 (JOLT Request).

Send Buffer Size

Size of the data that was sent from the web server to the application server during a JOLT request.

This is metric 1 for PMU 115 (JOLT Request).

Component Buffer Size

This is the average component buffer size (metric 1) in PMU 401 (ICPanel).

The component buffer has to be deserialized by the application server when it is received from the web server, and then serialized when it is sent back to the web server.

PeopleCode Global Size

This is the average size of the memory that is used for PeopleCode global variables, which are sent to and from the application server during a JOLT request. This is included in the send buffer size and receive buffer size.

This is metric 6 for all PMU 412 (Tuxedo Service Summary) rows.

Component Durations

This chart shows the average and the standard deviation of these metrics:

Field or Control


Portal Time

The average time that was spent in the portal servlet for this component, including waits for calls to other servers. The value is the duration of the PMU 100 (Portal Request) rows that are associated with requests that are accessing this component.

PIA Time

The average time that was spent in the PIA servlet for this component. The value is the duration of the PMU 100 (Portal Request) rows and PMU 106 (PIA Request From Portal) rows that are associated with the request accessing this component.

Tuxedo Service Time

The average time that was spent in the application server for this component. The value is the duration of the PMU 400 (Tuxedo Service PCode and SQL) rows that are associated with the request that is accessing this component.

PeopleCode Exec Time

The average time that was spent by the application server running PeopleCode, including any SQL that was triggered from within the PeopleCode.

The value is the average of metric 1 of the PMU 400 (Tuxedo Service PCode and SQL) rows that are associated with the component.

PeopleCode SQL Time

This is the average time that was spent by the application server running SQLExecs and SQL objects that were triggered from within the PeopleCode. It is a subset of the PeopleCode Exec Time.

The value is equal to the average of metric 2 of the PMU 400 (Tuxedo Service PCode and SQL) rows that are associated with the requests.

Note: This is the average time that was spent for running all SQL statements of this type in a single application server request, not the average duration of one SQL statement of this type.

PeopleCode Built-in SQL Time

This is the average time that was spent by the application server running SQL that was triggered from within PeopleCode built-in functions such as GetNextNumber(). It is a subset of the PeopleCode Exec Time.

The value is the average of metric 3 of the PMU 400 (Tuxedo Service PCode and SQL) rows that are associated with the requests.

Note: This is the average time that was spent for running all SQL statements of this type in a single application server request, not the average duration of one SQL statement of this type.

PeopleTools SQL Exec Time

This is the average time that was spent by the application server running SQL that was triggered by the PeopleTools runtime. It is a subset of the Tuxedo Service Time. This value may overlap with the PeopleCode Exec time.

The value is the average of metric 4 of the PMU 400 (Tuxedo Service PCode and SQL) rows that are associated with the requests.

Note: This is the average time that was spent for running all SQL statements of this type in a single application server request, not the average duration of one SQL statement of this type.

PeopleCode Durations

The PeopleCode Durations chart contains data only if a user accessed a component while the monitoring level was set at verbose. The data is derived from PMUs 500–516.

This chart is a summary showing:

  • Which PeopleCode event types (such as SavePreChange and SavePostChange) were triggered for this component at the record field, component record, page, and component levels.

  • The average time that was spent running each event instance.

  • The sample count that was used to calculate these averages.

The standard deviation is not calculated for this chart.