Viewing Open PMU Trees

Access the Open PMU Trees page (PeopleTools, Performance Monitor, System Monitor, View Open PMU Trees).

Every user request generates a set of PMUs that you can display as a tree. The PMU with the top instance ID is the root of the tree and PMUs with no children are the leaves. A node represents each PMU or child PMU. Clicking a node reveals its details.

The shaded text flags the node of the currently processing PMU.

A search may return multiple PMU trees. For example, if a user ID is shared across multiple users, or a single user has initiated multiple browser sessions, then more than one user request may be currently processing, and therefore more than one PMU tree open.

The data that is related to open PMUs is dynamic because the system is currently processing the PMU. Therefore, the composition of trees, and even their presence, is likely to change each time you click Refresh.

If you have an open PMU tree that was captured using the standard agent filter mode, you can drill down to the detail of PMU 400 (Tuxedo Service PCode and SQL). The Current SQL statement shows what has been submitted to the application server. This can aid in troubleshooting long-running SQL or a hung query without increasing the agent filter and asking users to repeat the process. If the open PMU finishes, then the PMU row is marked for deletion by the reaper program. You can't access the current SQL statement if the PMU has finished.

Note: So that the presentation of PMU information is readable and manageable, if a PMU is older than a day, the system displays the date that the PMU ran, not its duration in milliseconds.

Note: For each PMU in the tree, the duration value represents the period of time that has elapsed since the monitoring system received the start timestamp for each PMU. In some cases, the display may indicate that a child PMU is "older" than its parent. For example, if the application server sent PMU information before the web server sent PMU information, the child PMUs that are running on the application server will display a smaller duration than the associated parent PMUs that are running on the web server.

Field or Control


User ID

Enter the user ID of the user who is initiating the PMUs. You must specify a user ID to view open PMU trees.

Total Trees received

The number of currently open PMU trees for the user. Corresponds to the number of open requests for this user.

Currently displaying

Indicates the PMU tree that is currently displayed on the page, providing orientation in a list of returned PMU trees.

Previous Tree/Next Tree

Enables you to navigate within a list of PMU trees.

Open PMU Tree

You can expand or collapse PMU trees by using the folder icon to the left. Click a node to view details regarding that PMU.

Use the Left andRight links to navigate within a single tree when the tree is 20 nodes deep.