Viewing Web Server Performance

Access the Web Server page (PeopleTools, Performance Monitor, System Monitor, Web Server Performance).

The Web Server page displays the most recent performance data that is received from a web server domain monitor. A domain corresponds to the domain that is specified during the PeopleSoft installation.

Field or Control


Domain Name

A domain monitor starts when the first user connects to any site in a PeopleSoft web server domain. The domain name is the name of this site.

Domain Directory

The directory on the web server where the PeopleSoft site that triggered the domain monitor resides.

Filter Level

Appears on pages displaying current performance information that is related to servers, such as application servers, web servers, and so on. Displays the current agent filter level.

The colors indicate the following levels:

  • Blue: Standby, Error, and Warning.

  • Green: Standard.

  • Orange: Verbose.

  • Red: Debug.

Move the cursor over the icon to show a pop-up message displaying the agent filter level in text format.

Agent Date/Time

The date and time according to the agent clock that the domain monitor used when it last sent performance data to the monitor.

Note: The date and the time appearing on this page always apply to the system on which the agent runs. Keep this in mind if you are monitoring systems in other time zones.


Appears only if the system detects stale data. Performance data is stale if no status events have been reported in the last sample interval for the system. For example, Status shows stale data if the web server is not booted.


The host of the web server and the listening ports for HTTP and HTTPS.

Monitor Date/Time

The date and time that the monitoring system inserted the row of performance data into the monitoring database according to the database clock.

Last Page Refresh

Indicates the most recent time that the system refreshed the page either by loading the page into the browser or as a result of a user clicking the Refresh button.

Web Server Snapshot

This link enables you to view historical information snapshots for the current agent. By clicking this link, you see a list of all the domain agent timestamps for the current domain monitor agent Event 150 (JVM Status). After you select a particular timestamp, the system displays the Web Server page containing web server performance information for that particular time. When you are viewing snapshot information, a message appears at the top of the page reminding you that the page contains historical performance data. You can view numerous snapshots using the same method.

Note: While viewing snapshots, the Refresh button is not available. To view the most current web server information, you must access the Web Server page using the menu.

System Performance

This link accesses the System Performance page (the home page for system monitoring).

JVM Status

The JVM status applies to the status of the JVM in which the site runs. Multiple web sites within the same PeopleSoft domain can run within the same JVM.

These values are derived from Event 150 (JVM Status). If the latest Event 150 monitor date and time is older than the event sample rate for the current agent’s system, the Stale Data icon appears at the top of the page.

Field or Control


%JVM Memory Free

A JVM has a specific amount of memory allocated to it. This metric displays the percentage of the allocated memory that is available.

Max JVM Memory Available

Indicates the maximum amount of memory that is available for the JVM. This value depends on the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

The maximum JVM memory that is available equals maxMemory – totalMemory + freeMemory.

Sessions in Web-App

Displays the number of servlet sessions in the portal web application.

Execute Threads

The number of threads that are used by the web application to service incoming requests.

Busy Threads

The number of threads that are currently servicing requests.

Domain Count

The number of domain monitors in this web server domain. The domain count will only be greater than 1 if a web server domain has sites belonging to different monitored systems.

The Events and PMUs tab contains links to the Event History, Open PMUs, and Completed PMUs components.

When transferring to the Event History component, the system automatically displays all of the data for the current day’s Event 150 (JVM Status) rows for the current agent and the current system.

When transferring to the Open PMUs component, the system automatically displays all of the data for the current day’s open PMUs for the current host/port and the current system.

When transferring to the Completed PMUs component, the system automatically displays all of the data for the current day’s completed PMUs for the current host/port and the current system.

Network Status

Network status data corresponds to

  • Output from the domain monitor running the netstat —a command in a shell on the monitored host.

  • Counters that are maintained by the domain monitor.

These values are derived from Event 151 (Network Status).

If no Event 151 or the Event 151 has an agent date/time that does not match the agent date/time of the Event 150 (JVM Status) shown at the top portion of the page, this grid appears empty.

Field or Control


Time Wait Sockets

The number of sockets in a TCP time wait state on the host on which the web server is running. A high count may mean that the time wait setting for the operating system of the server needs to be decreased, or it may just mean that a very high load is on that server.

Close Wait Sockets

The number of sockets in a TCP close wait state on the host on which the web server is running. A high count means that TCP clients are not closing connections and may indicate network or software configuration issues.

Established Sockets

The number of sockets in a connected state. This is a measure of the number of users who are connected.

Jolt Traffic

Displays in bytes per second the amount of Jolt traffic between the web server and the application server.

Note: The Jolt traffic value is zero unless compression is enabled.


Indicates the HTTP traffic in bytes per second that is generated by this web server.

The Events and PMUs tab contains links to the associated Event History, Open PMUs, and Completed PMUs.

When transferring to the Event History component, the system automatically displays all of the data for the current day’s Event 151 (Network Status) rows for the current agent and the current system.

When transferring to the Open PMUs component, the system automatically displays all of the data for the current day’s open PMUs for the current host/port and the current system.

When transferring to the Completed PMUs component, the system automatically displays all of the data for the current day’s completed PMUs for the current host/port and the current system.


The information on this grid applies to all sites on this web server even if they are not monitored sites.

These values are derived from Event 152 (Web Site Status).

If no Event 152 or the Event 152 rows have an agent date/time that does not match the agent date/time of the Event 150 (JVM Status), the grid appears empty.

Field or Control


Site Path

Indicates the directory on the web server where the site resides.

Requests to all Servlets

Indicates the number of requests that have been submitted to all of the servlets running within the site.

Servlet Requests (last minute)

Indicates the number of servlet requests that were submitted to the site in the last minute.

Avg. Request Time (last minute)

Indicates the average duration of the servlet requests that were submitted to the site in the last minute.

Time in all Servlets

Indicates the sum of durations of the servlet requests that were submitted to the site since the web server was last booted.

Current Sessions

The number of sessions that are active within the site. Active sessions are those that are currently waiting for a request to be processed. In most cases, this value is 0. However, if your site is running slowly or a transaction has a long duration, this value is greater than 0.

The Events and PMUs tab contains links to the associated Event History, Open PMUs, and Completed PMUs.

When transferring to the Event History component, the system automatically displays all of the data for the current day’s Event 152 (Web Site Status) rows for the current agent and the current system.

When transferring to the Open PMUs component, the system automatically displays all of the data for the current day’s open PMUs for the current agent and the current system.

When transferring to the Completed PMUs component, the system automatically displays all of the data for the current day’s completed PMUs for the agent and the current system.

Active Servlets

Active servlets are all servlets that are running in the portal web application.

These values are derived from Event 153 (Web Servlet Status).

Field or Control


Servlet Name

Identifies the name of a particular servlet.

Requests to this Servlet

Indicates the number of requests that were submitted to a particular servlet.

Servlet Requests (last minute)

Indicates the number of requests that were submitted to a particular servlet within the last minute.

Avg. Request Time (last minute)

The average duration of the requests that were handled by the servlet in the last minute.

Time in this Servlet

The sum of durations of requests that were handled by this servlet since the web server was last booted.