Batch Server Environment

This section discusses:

  • Batch server environment.

  • Batch server support.

  • PeopleSoft Process Scheduler and the application server.

The batch server environment is where PeopleSoft Process Scheduler is installed and configured, and it is the location where many of your batch programs, such as Application Engine programs, run. In most situations, this is also where COBOL and Structured Query Report (SQR) executable files are installed.

In a multiserver environment, you can decide where your site batch server environment resides. In PeopleSoft software, you can install the batch server on a separate server, or you can install the batch server on either the application server or the database server.

You can install PeopleSoft Process Scheduler on any supported application server, database server, or batch server, but you need to choose a location that’s supported in the PeopleSoft environment. At least two options are available for each database environment.

If you install PeopleSoft Process Scheduler on a machine that is a supported database machine but not a supported application server machine, you can still configure and administer PeopleSoft Process Scheduler using psadmin, the PeopleTools server administration utility. However, you won't be able to access application server options from psadmin.

PeopleSoft uses psadmin to configure and administer both the application server and PeopleSoft Process Scheduler server. The PeopleSoft Process Scheduler setup procedure in psadmin provides a menu-driven interface to configure PeopleSoft Process Scheduler parameters and administer the Process Scheduler server agent.

Even though the application server and PeopleSoft Process Scheduler have psadmin as a common interface and share the directories under PS_HOME on the application server, they are separate entities. For instance, you start, configure, and shut down the application server and the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler server separately.

The application server uses Oracle Tuxedo to schedule transaction requests and send transaction results, and it issues SQL requests to the database server using the persistent connections of a collection of PeopleSoft application server processes.

In contrast, PeopleSoft Process Scheduler is a separate facility that's designed to poll the PeopleSoft database table, PSPRCSRQST, for inserted requests and initiate Application Engine, COBOL, SQR, and other batch processes.