Configuring Oracle WebCenter Options

This section discusses how to configure WebCenter options:

Access the WebCenter Options page (Select PeopleTools > Portal > WebCenter Integration > WebCenter Options).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the WebCenter Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

WebCenter Options pages

WebCenter Options

Field or Control


Node Name

Displays the name for the WebCenter application default node, which is WEBCENTER.

Default Moderator

Specify the user role to be added as a user group member with the moderator privilege to any group spaces created by WebCenter related content services.

Default Template

Select the template that the WebCenter related content service uses to create new group spaces for PeopleSoft transaction pages. All public group space templates that you have set up in WebCenter appear in the drop-down list. The default value is PeopleSoftTemplate. This field requires a value.

Privilege Role Mappings

Use the fields in the Privilege Role Mappings grid to correlate the PeopleSoft privilege to the WebCenter group space role. This grid appears when you select a valid default group space template. All fields in this grid are required when you select a default group space template.

Field or Control


Privilege Name

Displays the PeopleSoft privilege.

Group Space Role

Select from the list of privilege roles that exist in the specified default template. If you select a new default template, the values in drop-down list change to reflect the new default.

Select from these default values:

  • Moderator

  • Participant

  • Viewer

This field requires a value.