Database Server

The database server houses a database engine and your PeopleSoft application database, which includes all the application's object definitions, system tables, application tables, and data. The database server must be running one of the PeopleSoft-supported RDBMS and operating system combinations.

A single database server can have multiple application servers connecting to it. The database server simultaneously handles the application server connections, development environment connections, and batch programs running against it.

Note: Using the PeopleTools development environment in Microsoft Windows, you can connect directly to the database, or indirectly through an application server.

The PeopleSoft database is the repository for all information managed by your PeopleSoft application. Both application data and PeopleSoft metadata are stored and maintained in the database. PeopleSoft Application Designer enables you to define and maintain this metadata, which the system uses to drive the runtime architecture. The application server runs business logic based on the metadata.

Use PeopleSoft Application Designer to define, configure, and modify PeopleSoft applications. You can create dozens of different types of application objects, such as fields, records, pages, and messages. When an application developer saves an application object, PeopleSoft Application Designer saves this definition to the metadata repository in the PeopleSoft database.

At runtime, the application server fetches the most recent application object definitions from the metadata repository, compiles and caches the application object into memory, and runs the business rules based on the definitions.