Using Predefined Template HTML Definitions

The following example shows the arrangement of some of the HTML definitions that make up a template. The PORTAL_HP_USER_TEMPLATE HTML definition controls the overall page. The PORTAL_UNI_HEADER_NEW HTML definition controls the universal navigation header. The PORTAL_HP_COMPONENT HTML definition controls the appearance of each pagelet and appears twice in this two-column template.

Predefined HTML definitions that compose portal templates

This table describes the HTML definitions:

HTML Definition



This is the HTML definition for a two-column user homepage. The default column widths are set to 33 percent for column one and 66 percent for column two.


This is the HTML definition for a three-column user homepage. The default column width is set to 33 percent for each column.


Use this HTML definition to create the pagelet action bar. The default action bar buttons are Remove and Minimize/Restore.


Use this HTML definition to create the Customize image button for the pagelet action bar. The image button is added only if you've defined an advanced personalization page.


Use this HTML definition to create all homepage pagelets. Modify it to change a pagelet’s appearance.

Do not move, delete, or change the first or last line of this HTML definition:

<!-- Begin Pagelet=%BIND(:6) -->.
<!-- End Pagelet=%BIND(:6) -->

These special lines must exist exactly as shown. You must also ensure that all bind variables exactly match the bind variables that are used in the associated PeopleCode.


Each user homepage is generated from this HTML definition. Modify this definition to add default components that are displayed to all users.


This HTML definition controls the universal header for the portal.

With the exception of the PORTAL_UNI_HEADER_NEW HTML definition, all homepage HTML definitions are built in the BuildStaticHPTemplate function.

This function is located in FUNCLIB_PORTAL.TEMPLATE_FUNC.FieldFormula.

The homepage modification functionality (minimize, maximize, and remove) is located in WEBLIB_PORTAL.PORTAL_HOMEPAGE.FieldFormula.

The iScripts are IScript_HPCompRemove, IScript_HPCompMinimize, and IScript_HPCompExpand.