Downloading Queries

You can download your query to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or CSV text file.

After you have downloaded the query to Microsoft Excel, the first row in the spreadsheet displays the total number of rows of your query that are included in the spreadsheet.

Note: If you download your query from the Run page, the query has a different default filename than if you download your query after clicking the HTML or Excel links. These default filenames are different because: (a) using the Run page to run queries, queries are run using the application server, and (b) using the HTML or Excel links, queries are run using a query service.

To download your query results, select one of the following options:

  • HTML: Click this link on the Query Manager or Query Viewer search results page.

  • Excel: Click this link on the Query Manager or Query Viewer search results page.

    After you click the Excel link, there are options that enable you to save, open, or cancel downloading query results to Microsoft Excel.

    Note: The CacheBaseDir= setting in the psappsrv.cfg file specifies the location of temp files that are created by the Query to Excel execution. Those temp files are removed automatically after the run. If the CacheBaseDir is not set in the psappsrv.cfg file, all temp files are located under %PS_SERVDIR%.

    See Enabling the Query Access List Cache, CacheBaseDir.

  • XML: Click this link on the Query Manager or Query Viewer search results page.

    After you click the XML link, query result is downloaded to browser with the XML output formatted for use with BI Publisher and there are options that enable you to open, save, or cancel the downloaded file. If you click the Open button, XML formatted query result is downloaded to browser. You can also select the XML option as the format of your query results in the Schedule Query page when schedule to run a query.

  • Download to Excel: Click this link on the Query Manager or Query Viewer Run page.

    Note: The Download to Excel feature requires fontconfig package. See "Completing the Installation" in PeopleSoft 9.2 Application Installation for your database platform to install the fontconfig package.

  • Excel SpreadSheet: This option is available after you have clicked the HTML link on the Query Manager or Query Viewer search results page. However, you can also click the Download to Excel or Excel links without downloading the query to HTML.

    Note: Downloaded data such as numbers and dates are formatted in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet according to the regional settings on the user's machine.

    If you use the Windows or Macintosh operating systems, you can set your downloaded queries to open in browser windows instead of in the Microsoft Excel application. To set this option in Windows, select the XLS file type in your folder options and select the Browse in same window check box. When this check box is cleared, downloaded queries open in the Microsoft Excel application.

  • CSV Text File: This option is available after you have clicked the HTML link. If you click this option, the File Download page appears enabling you to open the file in your browser or save it to disk.

    Note: The output has no formatting and does not support UTF-8 encoded data.

    Because Microsoft Excel does not support UTF-8 encoding, the CSV file is written in binary mode with UCS-2 encoded data. Moreover, Excel does not automatically recognize Unicode-encoded, comma-delimited files even if they have a .csv extension. Therefore, you are not be able to open the receiving file by double-clicking. Instead, you must open the receiving file using the File\Open menu in Excel and choose the comma delimiter.

  • XML File: This option is available after you have click the HTML link. If you click this option, the File Download page appears enabling you to open the XML formatted query result in your browser or save it to your local machine.