Common Elements Used to Create and Run Simple Queries

Field or Control


Add Record

Click this link to access the Query page, where you can add fields to the query content or add additional records.

Show Fields

Click this link to display the fields included in the record.

Col (column)

Displays the current column number for each field listed.

Query Name

New Unsaved Query appears in this read-only field until you change it on the Properties page. This field appears on all of the Create New Query pages.


Displays the record alias and name for each field listed.

Note: You can select and add up to 676 records for each query. The record alias goes from A to Z for record number 1 to record number 26. When you add record number 27 and after, the record alias starts at AA and follows the pattern AB, AC, AD, and so on. The record alias doesn't include AS and TO, and ends with ZX, ZY, ZZ.

Key icon

The Key icon indicates key fields.

Delete icon

Click the Delete button to delete the row.

A confirmation message appears. Click the Yes button to proceed with the deletion. Click the No button to cancel the deletion.

Add Criteria icon

Click the Use as Criteria or Add Criteria button to open the Edit Criteria Properties page, where you can determine how this field will be used as a criterion for the current query.

Folder icon

From the Query tab, click the Folder button to view the fields for the chosen record, if they are not already displayed. Query Manager expands the record so that you can see the fields and make sure that this record has the content that you want.

Click the Folder button again to hide the fields for a record.

A key is displayed to the left of key fields.


Hover over to view the feeds of this query.

See Understanding Query Feeds .


Click to save a query at any time after you have selected one record and at least one field for it.

See Saving Queries, Updating Existing Queries.

Save As

Click to access the Query Properties page where you can enter basic information about the query and save it.

See Saving Queries, Updating Existing Queries.

New Query

Click to access the PeopleSoft Query Manager where you can start creating a new query.

See Creating New Queries.


Click to access the Preference page where you can specify query preferences.

See Specifying Query Preferences.


Click to access the Query Properties page where you can view and edit data about the current query, such as the query name and description. You can also record information about your query so that you can use it again in the future. In addition, you can define how images are displayed in the query results.

See Viewing and Editing Query Properties.

Public As Feed

This link is available only when query was not published as feed.

Click to access the PSQuery Data Type - Publish Feed Definition page where you can define feed properties such as the feed title, security, and other options.

See Understanding Query Feeds.

Manage Feed

This link is available only when query was published as feed.

Click to access the PSQuery Data Type - Publish as Feed page where you can define feed properties such as the feed title, security, and other options.

See Understanding Query Feeds.

Publish as Pivot Grid

Click to display all existing Pivot Grid models that use the current query as the data source. You also have the options to either edit the existing Pivot Grid models or add new ones.

If you add a new model, a unique title name must be provided. Similar to the Pivot Grid Wizard, this feature enables you to open and edit the Pivot Grid models for which you are granted permission. The security access for using this feature is the same as using Pivot Grid Wizard.

See Creating Pivot Grid Models Using Query Manager.

New Union

This link is available only when query does not have union.

Click to create an union of multiple queries.

See Working with Unions.

Delete Union

This link is available only when a query has a union attached.

Click to delete an existing union of multiple queries.

See Working with Unions.

Return to Search

Click to return to the Query Manager search page where you can create new queries, modify existing queries, schedule queries, and organize queries.

See Modifying Queries, Scheduling Queries , Organizing Queries.