Search Documents

Search documents describe the format of search results.

The main elements of a PeopleSoft search document are:

  • URL

  • Title

  • Summary

In some cases search documents are non-structured documents, such as a Microsoft Word document or the text in a website. In a PeopleSoft application, the majority of information is structured, (for example, a Purchase Order). PeopleSoft information resides in a relational database where the document attributes constituting the search document are well known such as Employee Name, Customer Name, Product ID, and so on. While most of the PeopleSoft information can be displayed in the form of structured documents, the system also stores unstructured data in the form of attachments.

When a user runs a search based on a set of known attributes, the search returns “hits” in the form of search documents or search results. The user then analyzes the content of the search result to determine relevancy and uses the associated URL to navigate to the desired application page.