Starting and Stopping a Cluster

Starting a cluster would mean starting all the nodes of a cluster. Similarly, stopping a cluster would mean stopping all the nodes of a cluster.

You start or stop a node by starting or stopping the OpenSearch service on each node.

Important! Before you stop a node, you should ensure that no indexing requests or administration-related tasks are being made on the cluster. If you stop a node during indexing, the cluster meta data might get corrupted and the cluster could become non-operational (red color code). To ensure that no instances of PTSF_GENFEED are running, check the Process Monitor. If all processes are completed, you may stop all the nodes in a cluster and make the required modifications. After completing the modifications, you may start all the nodes of the cluster.

You start or stop a node by starting or stopping the OpenSearch service on the node. Use the following steps to start or stop a node on Windows and on Linux.

Starting and Stopping the OpenSearch Service on Windows

On Microsoft Windows, the OpenSearch service is installed by the DPK setup script.

To start or stop an OpenSearch service:

  1. Open a command prompt, and change directory to OS_HOME/bin.

  2. To see the usage for the service command:

    opensearch-service.bat install|remove|start|stop
    • To start the OpenSearch service:

      opensearch-service.bat start
    • To stop the OpenSearch service:

      opensearch-service.bat stop

Starting and Stopping the OpenSearch Service on Linux

To start or stop the OpenSearch service:

  • In a terminal window, change directory to OS_HOME/bin.

  • To start the OpenSearch process:

    nohup ./OpenSearch &
  • To stop the OpenSearch process:

    1. Use this command to find the OpenSearch process ID:

      ps -ef | grep opensearch
    2. Use this command to stop the process, substituting the process ID for pid:

      kill <pid>