
To troubleshoot any errors that you may encounter while real-time indexing, you should ensure that you set the logging parameter, the Trace PC parameter, and the Trace SQL parameter.

Real-Time Indexing Logs

In the Process Scheduler configuration file (psprcs.cfg), locate the PSRTISRV section, and enter the parameter for logging and set it to 5, for example:

LogFence = 5

Note: LogFence in the PSRTISRV section is applicable to the PSRTISRV server process only; not applicable to other servers.

Trace PC

In the Application Server configuration file (psappsrv.cfg), locate Trace PC and set the value to 2048, for example:

Trace PC = 2048

Trace SQL

In the Application Server configuration file (psappsrv.cfg), locate Trace SQL and set the value to 1, for example:

Trace SQL = 1