Interpreting Test Maintenance Reports

A test maintenance report lists the tests that have been impacted by changes to menus, components, records, pages, and fields, and details the changes that impacted those tests. You can choose to output the report to PIA or to BI Publisher .

This example illustrates a test maintenance report in PI Publisher format.

Example of a Test Maintenance report in BI Publisher format

This example illustrates a test maintenance report in PIA format.

Example of a Test Maintenance report in PIA format

From a PIA report, you can click the Download icon to output the report to a spreadsheet. The following example shows a report in spreadsheet format:

This example illustrates a test maintenance report that has been downloaded in spreadsheet format.

Example of a Test Maintenance report in spreadsheet format

This example illustrates a test maintenance report in the PTF Client.

Example of a Test Maintenance report in PTF client

The following columns are on a Test Maintenance report (test data may be positioned differently depending on the report format):

Column Name


Test Name

The test that is impacted by a change.


A test maintenance report is sorted by test name. Within each test name grouping, the report items are sorted by priority, according to the values specified on the Define Analysis Rules page.

See Defining Analysis Rules.


Which category the change belongs to, as detailed on the Define Analysis Rules page.

See Defining Analysis Rules.

Object Type

The type of definition that was changed:

  • Menu

  • Component

  • Page

  • Record

  • Field

Object Name

The name of the object that was changed.


For components, the market; for instance, GBL.

Step ID

A unique and unchanging identifier for a step in a test. Each step has a Step ID and a Sequence Number, but the Sequence Number, unlike the Step ID, changes when steps are added or deleted from a test.

Seq. Nbr

The sequence number for the test step reflects the relative run order position of the step within the test.


Indicates whether, within the test, the step is active or inactive.

Object Action

Indicates whether the object was:

  • Changed

  • Added

  • Deleted

Pre Object Value

The value before the object was changed.

Post Object Value

The value after the object was changed.


A brief description of the change.