Reserved Words

The following table briefly explains PTF reserved words.

Field or Control



Checks a value in an object against the expected value defined in the PTF test. Updates the value if no match exists.

See #CHECK#.


Checks whether an object is display-only.

See #DIS#.


Enters the current date and time into the application.

See #DTTM.


Check whether a field exists or does not exist on the page.

#Exist can update the field if a value is passed following the closing # sign.


#FAIL# and #WARN#

Same as #CHECK# but do not update the value. If the values do not match, PTF logs a Fail or Warning.

See #FAIL#, #WARN#.


Place the #IGNORE reserved word in the Value field of a Test.Exec step to skip the call to the child test.



Match strings using LIKE. If no match exists, PTF logs a Fail or Warning. PTF does not update the value.



Checks the values in a drop-down list box. Use a | to separate items in the Value field.

This reserved word is used only with a ComboBox object.

See #LIST#.


Deletes a value in the object or verifies that it is blank. If the object is a ComboBox and the action is Set, then PTF selects a blank item.



Substitutes the text in the Prefix field in the Test Editor for #PREFIX# in the Value field.



Enters the current date into the application.