Accessing Simplified Analytics

You can access simplified analytics reports from the following regions in the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture.

  • Unified Related Content Analytic Pane

  • Fluid Homepage

  • NavBar

  • Fluid Dashboard

The PeopleSoft administrator has to enable the simplified analytic on an application page.

See Simplified Analytics Overview.

Note: If you access a component with analytics and related information enabled as a master-detail or activity guide target, make sure that the No System Side page option in the component property of the master-detail component or the activity guide step component is selected. If the No System Side page option is not selected, the side page with analytics and related information will not appear when you access the component as part of a master detail target or activity guide step.

You can find the pane on the right side of an application page. When both component-level related information and Simplified Analytics are configured for the component, the right panel of the window shows the related information and analytics. Add Analytics button is displayed only if any analytics configuration exist for the component.

The example below shows the Unified Related Content Analytics pane on the right of the page.

Unified Related Content Analytics pane

Related Information show as tiles. See Understanding the PeopleSoft Related Content Framework.

Simplified Analytics show as links by default. You can configure the analytics to show as tiles too from the Personalize Related Information button. See Personalizing Unified Related Content Analytics Pane.

You can click the link or the Display analytic in Modal Window button on the top right corner of the tile to open the analytic in modal window.

You can edit the analytic or use other options to configure the analytics from the modal window.

The Personalize Related Information button gives you the option to display or hide related information and analytics. It also allows you to sequence and reorder analytics as well as related content. You can also delete an analytic and display the analytic as a tile or a link.

Personalize Unified Related Content Analytics - Order Items tab

Use the Personalize Unified Related Content Analytics - Order Items tab to set the order and properties of items in your simplified analytics and related content.

The example illustrates the Order Items tab in the Personalize dialog box. The fields and controls are listed further.

Personalize Unified Related Content Analytics - Order Items tab

Field or Control


Section Order

Use this option to select whether to display the links section or the tiles section first.

Reset to Default Order

Click to reset the entire Related Information pane to its defaults.

In the default settings:

  • The Link section appears first, followed by the Tile section.

  • Analytics in the Link section are reordered alphabetically.

  • Tiles are reordered by the sequence number specified in the manage related content configuration, or alphabetically if no sequence number is specified.

Link Section

Displays simplified analytics only. By default all analytics are shown as links.

Drag and drop to reorder the simplified analytics within the grid.

Tile Section

Displays related content and the simplified analytics that are displayed as tile.

Drag and drop to reorder the simplified analytics and related content within the grid.

Note: Sequencing in this window overrides the sequence numbers set in the Manage Related Content Configuration page.


Use this option to select if the simplified analytic or related content should be displayed in the Unified Related Content Analytics Pane.

Personalize Unified Related Content Analytics - Manage Analytics tab

Use the Personalize Unified Related Content Analytics - Manage Analytics tab to manage your analytics separately from related content.

The example displays the Manage Analytics tab in the Personalize dialog box. The fields and controls are listed further.

Personalize Unified Related Content Analytics - Manage Analytics tab

Field or Control



Displays the simplified analytics.


Select the Link or Tile option to display analytics as either tiles or links.

These changes are reflected when you return to the Order Items tab.

Delete Simplified Analytics from the Unified Related Content Analytics pane

Delete analytics.

Note: Delete button will not appear for the analytics, for which the user doesn’t have delete permissions.

You can add a simplified analytic to the fluid homepage using the Add to Homepage option in theOptions Menu. By default the analytics appear in a 2x2 tile with the chart preview.

This example illustrates the Add to Homepage link and other options in the Options Menu.

Add to Homepage option from Options menu

Pivot grid administrator can also add the analytic to homepage from the Create Analytics Wizard - step 3 or the Edit Analytics Wizard - step 3.

The system prompts you to select a homepage to add the analytics. It also gives you an option to change the name of the analytics.

From the dialog box you can take following actions:

  • Select to add the analytics from available homepage.

  • Create new homepage if required.

  • Change name of the analytics which will show as the tile label.

Add to Homepage dialog box

Note: You can add a report once to any homepage. If the report was already added to the homepage and you attempt to add the report again, then you have the option to delete the report from the homepage and add it back to the homepage.

Select NavBar from the Add To dropdown on the Analytics wizard. When you select NavBar, the Tile Size dropdown becomes disabled.

The system prompts you to enter a name for the analytic in the Tile Label field, Add to NavBar dialog box.

The Current Headcount analytic is on the NavBar.

Analytics on the NavBar

You can even access the analytics from a fluid dashboard.

Select Fluid Dashboard from the Add To dropdown on the Analytics wizard. You will also need to select the size of the tile from the Tile Size dropdown.

You can select the tile size to display the analytics on a homepage or a fluid dashboard. The option Tile Size is available on the Analytics Wizard Step 3.

Below are examples of analytics in available tile sizes.

The example shows an analytic displayed on a homepage in small size.

Small sized tile on the homepage

The example shows an analytic displayed on a homepage in medium size.

Medium sized tile on the homepage

The example shows an analytic displayed on a homepage in large size.

Large sized tile on the homepage