Data Synchronization Between the Grid and the Chart

The grid and chart event listener captures grid events and constructs an appropriate PSQuery using the row and column labels and filters. Each user action results in an appropriate event for the chart, so that both the chart and the grid are synchronized. Pivot Grid enables users to move the fields among the row, the column, and the report filter. Each of these actions results in a different view of the same data.

The chart event listener captures chart events and constructs an appropriate PSQuery using the chart axis and filter information.

If users select Pivot Grid and Chart as the display option, the data that appears in the controls is synchronized. Synchronization is achieved using the following two mechanisms:

  • Unidirectional synchronization.

    The flow between the chart and the grid is maintained in a single channel, unidirectionally. Only an event or a user action in the grid will result in the chart being regenerated.

  • Semi-intelligent chart axis.

    Pivot Grid determines the chart axis information intelligently based on the grid layout and maintains synchronized data between the grid and the chart. Therefore; the data in the chart is always a subset of the data in the grid.

Pivot Grid is able to set the chart axis information correctly so that the chart always displays a subset of the grid data. Pivot Grid always sets the field at the highest level on the row axis of the grid as the X axis for the chart. When you change the grid layout, the X axis for the chart keeps changing based on the grid layout. You can choose the Y axis in all scenarios except when any values are dragged to the filter axis on the grid. In this case, the value selected on the filter of the grid will be the Y axis for the chart as well.

This table describes various actions you can perform on the grid, and the corresponding actions on the chart that maintain synchronization.

Action in Grid

Action in Chart

Drilling down in the grid by clicking the plus (+) icon on the row axis

Note: In PeopleSoft Pivot Grid, this action is available only at the lowest level of the row axis in the grid.

This grid action will result in a drill down in the chart as well. Earlier, the chart would have displayed the All member for the axis field, but now the chart also shows the relevant details. The Y axis does not change.

Moving a row to the report filter

This grid action will result in:

  • The filter also being added to the chart.

  • The highest level field on the row axis being selected as the X axis for the chart.

  • All of the lower levels on the row axis of the grid also being part of the X axis.

  • The Y axis of chart not changing except when the Value columns are on the filter axis.

Moving a row to the column

This grid action will result in:

  • A series (grouping) field being added to the chart.

  • The highest level field on the row axis being selected as the X axis.

    All of the lower levels on the row axis of the grid also being part of the X axis.

  • The Y axis of the chart not changing.

Moving a column to the report filter

This grid action will result in:

  • The filter also being added to the chart.

  • The X axis remaining the same.

  • The Y axis of the chart not changing except when the Value columns are on the filter axis.

Moving a column to the row

This grid action will result in:

  • The highest level field on the row axis being selected as the X axis.

  • All of the lower levels on the row axis of the grid also being part of the X axis.

  • The Y axis of the chart not changing.

Moving values to the report filter

This grid action will result in:

  • The highest level field on the row axis being selected as the X axis.

  • All of the lower levels on the row axis of the grid also being part of the X axis.

  • The value selected on the report filter of the grid becoming the Y axis for the grid.

Moving values to the row axis

This grid action is essentially the same representation of data as comparing values on the column axis except that the data view is vertical rather than horizontal. Therefore, no change will appear in the chart.