Deleting Non-Default Views

Pivot Grid administrators use the Delete Non Default Views page (PTPG_ADMN_DELNDV) to view and delete non-default views that are associated with the models.


Reporting Tools > Pivot Grid > Pivot Grid Administration > Delete Models

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Delete Non Default Views page.

Delete Non Default Views page

To delete non-default views that are associated with a Pivot Grid model in the database:

  1. Select Reporting Tools, Pivot Grid, Pivot Grid Administration, Delete Models.

  2. Click the Search button to display all Pivot Grid models that you have authorization to delete.

    If non-default views are associated with the model, the Delete Non Default Views link appears.

  3. Click the Delete Non Default Views link next to the Pivot Grid model.

    The non-default views are listed by name and description.

  4. Select appropriate non-default views and click the Delete button.

Note: Non-default views are created using the Pagelet Wizard - Specify Data Source Parameters page.