Pivot Grid Terms

This topic defines terminology that is specific to Pivot Grid.




Aggregate functions include SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, COUNT, and DISTINCT COUNT.

Attach Tree

Used to attache a PeopleSoft Tree to an axis to display hierarchical information for that axis.

See, Tree Options.

Axis and Values

Axis and Values are at the core of analytical and operational reporting.

  • Axis members are those attributes that qualify Values. They give structure to Values and they allow different views of the Values. They are also called Dimensions in a pivot grid.

  • Values are the metric that business users use to make business decisions. Generally, Values are numbers except when the aggregate function COUNT is used.

For example, in an expense report scenario, incurred expenses is the Value; whereas attributes such as Employee, Department, Business Unit, and Expense Type, the expense qualifiers, form the Axis members.

In a scenario showing Product Sales, Actual Sales, Number of Units Sold, and Cost of Each Unit, these items could be Values; whereas attributes such as Region, Product Name, and Date Range for the sales, the Value qualifiers, would form the Axis members.

In an organization chart, the Count of Employees could be a Value, and the axis members could be Departments, Job Codes, Pay Grade, and so on.

Collapse All

A link in the grid title region used to collapse any expanded positions in the grid row or column for totals.

Configure Pivot Grid Views

A link used to create new Pivot Grid views or to edit existing ones.

See Defining the Pivot Grid Display Options section in Creating a New Pivot Grid Pagelet Using the Pagelet Wizard.

Detach Tree

Used to remove a PeopleSoft Tree that is attached to an axis.

See, Tree Options.

Drilling URL

When you build a query using PeopleSoft Query - Query Manager, you can define drilling URLs that are associated with this query. These settings are saved into the database as part of the metadata for this query. When you run this query, the query results show the results as URL links, which you can click to be redirected to either a PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture page, another query result page, or an external page.

See Understanding Drilling URLs.

Expand All

A link in the grid title region used to expand all the dimensions in the row and column positions for totals.


Similar to multi-select filter, but facet is displayed as a collection of check boxes instead of a dropdown list, and facet is applied to Pivot Grids fluid view only.

See, Using Facets in the Fluid View.

Facet as Mini Chart

The facet values that appear as a chart instead of a list of values. You are able to select a data point in the facet chart to filter data.

See, Configuring Facets as Mini Charts.

Fluid Mode

The PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface is designed to be a significant enhancement to the PeopleSoft’s “classic” user interface, which has been the interface display on browsers for PeopleSoft end users for well over a decade. The PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface moves away from pixel-perfect page layout and provides greater flexibility with the enhanced use of cascading style sheets (CSS3), HTML5, and JavaScript (if needed).

Multi Select Filter

A dropdown list that enables you to select multiple items to filter data, which appears in grids and charts.

See Configuring Facets and Filters


Two charts with the same X axis but different Y axes that are plotted and then one is superimposed over the other.

See Configuring Overlay.


A change of the dimensional orientation of a report inside Pivot Grid.

Pivot Grid

A Pure Internet Architecture component that provides a multidimensional presentation of data.

Publish as Tile

Application developer can use this link to create the tiles that are used in the Fluid mode. These tiles are added with chart preview in fluid landing pages by end-users. They are configured to point to the Fluid Viewer component for the specific model.

Publish as Pivot Grid

A link in PeopleSoft Query - Query Manager used to access Pivot Grid Wizard. When you use the Publish as Pivot Grid link to access Pivot Grid Wizard, the wizard appears with the query definition and data columns populated.

See Creating Pivot Grid Models Using Query Manager.

Report filter

Report filter determines the range of values that appears in the Pivot Grid and the chart. In SQL terms, report filter is similar to a WHERE clause that limits the data returned. In PeopleSoft Pivot Grid, report filter presents a slice of data to viewers in both the chart and the grid.

If the data source uses prompt values, they are automatically added as filters. You can customize prompt values when viewing the pivot grid. When you create a Pivot Grid model, you can select additional columns to use as filters.

Reset Layout

An option used to clear all the personalizations and to reset the Pivot Grid model to the default setting (without personalization).


Chart with two dimensions that qualifies a Fact. For example, Region can be X-axis and Product can be series-axis to display the Sum of Sales.

See, Configuring a Series