Viewing Pivot Grid Displays

Use the Pivot Grid Display page (PTPG_WIZ_DISP) to review the Pivot Grid model based on the display option and layout selected. Optionally, you can modify the Pivot Grid model to finalize the design and then select the Save button to save it. Pivot Grid model metadata is saved to the database.

Note that Pivot Grid displays the value 0 (zero) in the grid cell if:

  • No data for the grid intersection point exists.

    In this case, Pivot Grid displays 0 as text, and you cannot drill down to details from this text.

  • Aggregate function returns 0 for the grid intersection. A common use case could be +ve and -ve values adding up to 0 for the Sum aggregate.

    In this case, Pivot Grid displays 0 as a link, and you can drill down to details from this link.


Access the Pivot Grid Display page by selecting the Next button on the Specify Data Model Options page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pivot Grid Display page. Definitions for the fields and controls appear following the example.

Pivot Grid Display page

Field or Control


Option Menu icon

Use the Option Menu icon to select the actions for viewing the Pivot Grid model.

  • Export Data: Select to export the underlying PSQuery data to Microsoft Excel.

  • Export Filtered Data: Select to export the underlying filtered PSQuery data to Microsoft Excel or PDF.

    Note: The exported filtered data in PDF will only include the corresponding filtered data and chart(s).

    Note: The Export Filtered Data feature is available in Fluid view only.

    See Exporting Filtered Data.

  • Chart Option: Select to open the User Charting Options dialog box, where you can change the chart layout, chart axes, and filters.

    Note: To drill down on the chart, select the chart data points. To drill out on the chart, select the drillout link, which appears as a locator link at the top of the chart.

If the Pivot Grid model is in the Chart Only mode or in the Pivot Grid and Chart mode, the available options are Export Data, Export Filtered Data, and Chart Option.

If the Pivot Grid model is in the Pivot Grid Only mode, the available options are Export Data and Export Filtered Data.

Note: The options Prompts, Reset, Save, View Grid, Display Chart, Hide Chart, and Save As are not available in the Pivot Grid Wizard because these options are viewer-only options.

Help icon

Click the Help icon to display the Help - Pivot Grid dialog box, where you can view the help information that you have defined for all actions for this Pivot Grid model.

Expand All and Collapse All

The Expand All or Collapse All link appears when the Pivot Grid model contains dimensions with totals on the lowest level of the grid row or column. These links are not available for the Pivot Grid models that have no totals defined for dimensions on the grid row and grid column.

  • Click the Expand All link to expand all the positions on the grid row and column; the Collapse All link appears.

  • Click the Collapse All link to collapse all the positions on the grid row and column; the Expand All link appears.

Bar icon

Click the Bar icon to display data in a bar chart.

Line icon

Click the Line icon to display data in a line chart.

Pie icon

Click the Pie icon to display data in a pie chart.

Horizontal Bar Chart icon

Click the Horizontal Bar Chart icon to display data in a horizontal bar chart.

Configure Related Content

Click to access the Assign Related Actions page, where you can assign services to be used as Related Actions, select the service target to determine where the service will be displayed, and define the parameter mappings and options for the service.

Note: The Configure Related Content link is available after you save the Pivot Grid model.

See Configuring the Related Actions Menu.

Publish as Pagelet

Click to access the Review Pagelets dialog box, where you can view a list of pagelets that are using the current Pivot Grid model and where you can create home page and template Pivot Grid pagelets without navigating to the pagelet wizard.

You can also add new, delete, or update existing pagelets that are based on the specific Pivot Grid model that you edited in the wizard.

Note: The Publish as Pagelet link is available after you save the Pivot Grid model.

See Creating a New Pivot Grid Pagelet Using the Pagelet Wizard.

Configure Pivot Grid View

Click to access the Pivot Grid Views Component dialog box, where you can create or edit existing views that are associated with the current Pivot Grid model.

Note: This link is available only after the Pivot Grid model is saved for the first time; for example, in Update or Correction mode.

See Defining the Pivot Grid Display Options in Creating a New Pivot Grid Pagelet Using the Pagelet Wizard.

Publish as Tile

Click to enable the Pivot Grid model to be published as a tile and included in the landing pages. The tile can contain the Pivot Grid chart as the dynamic tile content.

See Publishing Pivot Grid Fluid Views as Tiles.

Note: When working with the Pivot Grid Wizard, you can modify your previous selections at any step by selecting the step number icons. Changes to your selections could change the Pivot Grid model.