Understanding the Query Creation Process

A third-party application will create a PeopleSoft query using the same basic steps as an online PeopleSoft user. In the process of creating the query, you will need to integrate with the PeopleSoft system to access records and fields, as well as save the query in the PeopleSoft database. This table lists the steps to create and save the query.



1. Select records.

QAS service operations are available to select the records from the PeopleSoft database. Query security is enforced and only records available to the user ID provided in the request will be returned.

2. Add fields to the query.

QAS service operations are available to select fields and field properties from the PeopleSoft database.

3. Create query expressions (optional).

The third-party application will create any expressions necessary for the query.

4. Create Prompts (optional).

The third-party application will create any prompts necessary for the query.

5. Define selection criteria (optional).

The third-party application will create the selection criteria necessary for the query. QAS provides service operations for accessing tree information that can be used in the selection criteria.

6. Define HAVING criteria (optional).

The third-party application will create any HAVING criteria necessary for the query.

7. Save the query.

Once the third-party has defined the query, the QAS service operation for saving the query is used to save the query in the PeopleSoft database.

Note: Creating connected queries is not supported in QAS.

Note: Updating queries is not supported in QAS.

The following guidelines apply across all QAS requests:

  • All SOAP based requests should contain a SOAP header containing user ID and password.

    All RESTful based requests should contain HTTP Authorization Header for basic authentication. For example, Authorization: Basic"dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==" , where sequence of characters following Basic is the Base64 encoded form of string "username:password".

  • All search strings use the Begins with criterion.

  • Parameters are case-insensitive, unless specifically noted or specific enumeration values are listed.

  • All elements are required, unless specifically noted. Even if no value is necessary, the element must be included in the request.

  • Values are required in the element, unless specifically noted.

  • Leading and trailing blanks are not allowed in XML values.

Note: All examples are shown without the SOAP header. For information about the SOAP header, refer to “Accessing PeopleSoft Application Tables.”

Note: RESTful Get requests made from an Internet browser will generate a prompt for PeopleSoft logon credentials. Requests made from a client application however,(including Delete and Post requests), will need to provide the "Authorization" HTTP header for basic authentication.

These topics includes a sample request and response message for each of the service operations you will use to build a query. Most of the examples will use message catalog entries. The tables are:

  • PSMSGSETDEFN – Message Sets

  • PSMSGCATDEFN – Message Catalog