Navigating Definition Security (Browser Client)

This topic lists the pages of Definition Security in three-tier mode. Use the pages to:

  • View and add definition groups.

  • Manage definition groups.

  • Apply security to definition types.

  • Dynamically update definition groups.

  • View unsecured definitions.

These fields and controls appear frequently on pages used to create and manage definition groups in browser client definition security:



Definition Group

Displays the name of the definition group with which you are currently working.


Click the button to delete selected items from a grid.

Object Name

Displays the name of the object type.


Click the button to access the Send Notification page to send an email notification to an individual or group when a relevant event or update has occurred.

Return to Search

Click the link to return to the Definition Group Search page.


Click the button to save any changes on a page.

The button is enabled only if changes have been made to a page.

Save As

Click the button to access the Definition Group Save As page to copy a definition group.

Select All

Click the button to select all items in a grid.

Un-select All

Click the button to de-select items in a grid.

These navigation links appear frequently at the bottom of pages used to create and manage definition groups:



Inclusion Rules

Click the link to access the Inclusion Rules page to view, update or inclusion rules for a definition group.

Group Content Detail

Click the link to access the Group Content Detail page to view, insert or delete definitions from a definition group.

Group Content Summary

Click the link to access the Group Content Summary page to view definition types in a group, the number of definitions of each type in a group, and the number of definitions that have be dynamically included in the group through inclusion rules.

Group Permissions

Click the link to access the Group Permissions page to view the permission lists associated with a definition group.

Group Users

Click the link to access the Group Users page to view the users with access to a definition group and the permission list to which they are assigned that is enabling access.

The following table lists and briefly describes the pages for viewing and adding definition groups in browser client definition security. These pages are located in the PTDEFSECSRCH component.


Object ID



Definition Group Search


  • Search for and view a definition group.

  • Access the Add New Definition Groups page to add a definition group.

  • Access the Add New Definition Group from Project page to add a definition group from a project.

  • Delete a definition group.

Select PeopleTools > Security > Definition Security > Security Definition Groups.

Add New Definition Groups


Add a new definition group.

  1. Select PeopleTools > Security > Definition Security > Security Definition Groups.

  2. Click the Add New Definition Group link.

Add New Definition Group from Project


Add a new definition group from a PeopleSoft Application Designer projects.

  1. Select PeopleTools > Security > Definition Security > Security Definition Groups.

  2. Click the Add New Definition Group from Project link.

The following table lists and briefly describes the pages for managing definition groups in browser client definition security. These pages are located in the PTDEFSEC component.


Object ID



Group Content Summary


For a selected definition group, view the following:

  • Definition types in the group.

  • Number of definitions of each type.

  • Number of definitions that have been dynamically included in a group (through inclusion rules).

  1. Select PeopleTools > Security > Definition Security > Security Definition Groups.

  2. In the Search Results grid, click the name of a definition group.

Group Content Detail


  • View all definitions in a definition group that are of a specific type.

  • Access the Insert Definitions page to insert definitions into a group.

  • Delete definitions from a group.

  1. Select PeopleTools > Security > Definition Security > Security Definition Groups.

  2. In the Search Results grid, click the name of a definition group.

    The Group Content Summary page appears.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Click the Group Content Detail tab.

    • In the Definition Type Counts grid, click an object name.

Insert Definitions


Insert definitions into a definition group.

  1. Select PeopleTools > Security > Definition Security > Security Definition Groups.

  2. In the Search Results grid, click the name of a definition group.

    The Group Content Summary page appears.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Click the Group Content Detail tab.

    • In the Definition Type Counts grid, click an object name.

    The Group Content Detail page appears.

  4. From the Object drop-down list, select the definition type of the definition(s) to insert.

  5. Click the Insert Definitions button.

Inclusion Rules


View and manage rules to dynamically add definitions to a definition group.

  1. Select PeopleTools > Security > Definition Security > Security Definition Groups.

  2. In the Search Results grid, click the name of a definition group.

    The Group Content Summary page appears.

  3. Click the Inclusion Rules tab.

Group Permissions


  • View permission lists defined for a group.

  • Define permission list access for a definition group.

  1. Select PeopleTools > Security > Definition Security > Security Definition Groups.

  2. In the Search Results grid, click the name of a definition group.

    The Group Content Summary page appears.

  3. Click the Group Permissions tab.

Group Users


View the user IDs and their associated permission lists that can access the definitions in a definition group.

  1. Select PeopleTools > Security > Definition Security > Security Definition Groups.

  2. In the Search Results grid, click the name of a definition group.

    The Group Content Summary page appears.

  3. Click the Group Users tab.

The following table lists and briefly describes the page for securing definition types within definition groups in browser client definition security. The page is located in the PTDEFTYP component.


Object ID



Definition Types


  • View definition types that you can secure.

  • Apply “Secure by Default” security to definition types.

  • Apply row-level security to definition types.

Select PeopleTools > Security > Definition Security > Security Definition Types.

The following table lists and briefly describes the page for dynamically updating definition groups in browser client definition security. The page is located in the PTDEFSECINRL_P component.


Object ID



Inclusion Processing


Run the delivered application engine program, Inclusion_Processing, to run inclusion rules defined for a group and dynamically update a group with definitions added to the database that meet at defined inclusion rules for a definition group.

Select PeopleTools > Security > Definition Security > Run Security Inclusion Rules.

The following table lists and briefly describes the pages for viewing unsecured definitions in browser client definition security. The pages are located in the PTDEFSEC_UNSECURED component.


Object ID



Unsecured Counts


For a selected definition group, view the following:

  • Unsecured definition types in a definition group.

  • Number of definitions of each type.

Select PeopleTools > Security > Definition Security > View Unsecured Definitions.

Unsecured Definitions


View unsecured definitions by object.

  1. Select PeopleTools > Security > Definition Security > View Unsecured Definitions.

  2. Click the Unsecured Definitions tab.