Reviewing Errors and Summary Data

This topic discusses how to:

  • Review and correct errors.

  • Review packages and transaction groups.

A predefined business process named Manage EDI, which is delivered with the application, routes information about any processing errors it encounters to the EDI Coordinator’s worklist. The coordinator can select an item from the worklist to review the error.

To review and correct EDI processing errors:

  1. Select PeopleTools > EDI Manager > View EDI Audits > EDI Business Document Errors.

    The Business Document Detail page appears. This page gives detailed information about the processing of each line in a PeopleSoft business document.

  2. Review the processing details for the document.

    When you first open the page, the first row shows the processing information for the first record in the file, which is a 999 record. Browse the rows to view the other file records. The status of each row appears in the Status field.

  3. (Optional) Correct the erroneous data in the PeopleSoft business document.

    Complete the remaining steps only if you correct errors.

    Note: Because this page enables you to change transaction data, you will want to carefully control access to it. In Operator Security, give only the EDI coordinator rights to edit this page.

  4. Save the page.

  5. Select PeopleTools > EDI Manager > View EDI Audits > EDI Transaction Maintenance.

  6. Reset the EC queue status for the corrected transactions to L.

    When the EDI agent encounters an error while processing a transaction, it sets the status field in the pending transaction queue (ECQUEUE) to E. Resetting the status of a transaction to L makes the outbound EDI agent try to process it again.

The EDI transaction set file that you receive over the network from an external trading partner might include any number of transactions bound for any number of internal trading partners. To manage all this transaction data, the file organizes it into several levels:

  • The top level of organization is the package level. The package is the entire transaction set file, addressed to your company much as a mail package would be.

  • The package can contain one or more transaction groups. Each transaction group is a set of transactions of the same type, with the same trading partners involved.

  • Each transaction group includes one or more individual units of work. A unit of work is a single transaction that you commit or roll back as a whole.

When third-party-supplied EDI translation software creates PeopleSoft business documents, it divides the transaction set file at approximately the transaction group level. A PeopleSoft business document typically includes multiple units of work, and it may include multiple transaction groups, depending how the translation software is set up.

PeopleSoft business documents do not contain information about what packages or transaction groups their transactions come from. However, the EDI translation software can provide this information in a separate audit file, and the EDI agent can copy the information into audit tables in your database.

Note: For the auditing information to be available, the EDI translation software must write the package and transaction group information to an audit file, and the EDI agent must process this file using the predefined Audit inbound map.

To view summary information about a PeopleSoft business document:

  1. Select PeopleTools > EDI Manager > View EDI Audits > EDI Business Document Summary.

  2. Enter the business document ID of the document that you want to review.

    This page displays information about how the EDI agent processed the specified PeopleSoft business document. If the document included multiple transactions, browse the rows on the lower part of the page to see the information about each individual transaction.

  3. Review the packages and transaction groups that this document is part of.

To view summary information about an EDI package:

  1. Select PeopleTools > EDI Manager > View EDI Audit Trail > EDI Package Log.

  2. Enter the package control ID for the package whose status you want to review.

    Browse the rows on the lower part of the page to view the transaction groups that were inside the package and the PeopleSoft business documents that were created from the data in the package.

To view summary information about an EDI transaction group:

  1. Select PeopleTools > EDI Manager > View EDI Audits > EDI Transaction Group Log.

  2. Enter the transaction group control ID for the group whose status you want to review, or press Enter to select from a list of the groups.