Supported Integration Technologies Overview

This document describes several integration technologies that PeopleSoft delivered before PeopleSoft 8.

Note: Oracle supports the older technologies discussed in this documentation; however, you should use the more robust and adaptable tools delivered with the current release.

Field or Control


EDI Manager

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a standard means of exchanging data between companies so that they can transact business electronically. PeopleSoft EDI Manager enables you to define event and action codes, define EDI transactions, set up trading partners, map transactions, and monitor transaction processing.

Outgoing Forms API

Forms routing enables the system to take data from a PeopleSoft application page on which a user is working, enter it into a third-party form, and mail the completed form to designated users by means of the forms product’s mail capabilities. The PeopleSoft system provides a PSFORMS dynamic link library (PSFORMS.DLL) that PeopleSoft applications use to communicate with forms software, which includes session-level, query, and send operations.

Open Query ODBC Driver and API

The PeopleSoft Open Query ODBC driver and API enable third-party reporting tools or applications to access PeopleSoft data in conformance with the PeopleSoft Query access architecture (the embedded SQL access intelligence provided by PeopleSoft Query).