Configuring Component Processor Trace

The component processor trace settings that are available when you click Set Trace Flags on the PeopleSoft application sign-on page.

You enable the Set Trace Flag link to appear on the sign-in page, on the Debugging tab of the Web Profile Configuration page for your web profile.

See Configuring Web Profiles

Field or Control


Page Structures at Init

Trace how page is constructed when page is initialized.

Component Buffers at Init

Dump component buffer when page is initialized.

Component Buffers before/after service

Dump component buffer when executing a service, for example, ICPanel.

Component Buffers after scrollselect

Dump component buffer after a ScrollSelect PeopleCode is executed.

Component Buffers after modal page

Dump component buffer after displaying a modal page.

Component Buffers before Save

Dump component buffer before save action is done.

Component Buffers after row insert

Dump component buffer after inserting a row.

Default Processing

Trace the default values processing of all fields if there are default values.

PRM Contents

Dump PRM information. PRM is an internal manager object of PeopleTools.

Internal counters (debug build only)

Trace internal object counters information.

Note: This option is not supported for end user.

Memory stats at Init

Dump memory usage statistics after page is initialized.

Keylist Generation

Trace keylist generation processing.

Work Record Flagging

Trace the usage of Work Record Flagging. You can see which records are flagged as work records. Work Records Flagging is a performance feature of PeopleTools.

Related Displays

Trace the processing of related display fields.