Configuring Dynamic Reloading of the Application Server Connect String and Web Profile Attributes

This section describes how to manage changes to the psserver string (application server connect string) and the web profile attributes.

The DynamicConfigReload property enables the PIA domain to reload the psserver string (application server connect string) dynamically. That is, after modifying the psserver string to include new servers, replace existing servers, or remove existing servers from the string, you do not need to restart the PIA domain. With DynamicConfigReload enabled, the system automatically detects when the psserver string has been updated and ensures the PeopleSoft site maintains seamless connections with the application server domains listed in the psserver string.

To enable dynamic psserver reloading:

  1. Using a text editor, open the file in the web server deployment folder located here:


  2. Set DynamicConfigReload to 1. For example:


To disable dynamic psserver reloading:

  1. Using a text editor, open the file in the web server deployment folder located here:


  2. Set DynamicConfigReload to 0. For example:

  3. Restart the PIA domain manually for it to recognize any changes made to the psserver string.

Use the reloadWebProfile script to reload all web profile attributes without restarting the web server. The script applies any changes to the web profile for the web site.

Oracle recommends that you run the reloadWebProfile script at a point in time when there are the least number of users logged in to PIA, to minimize any potential impact.

  1. Change directory to <PS_CFG_HOME>\webserv\<web_server>\piabin.

  2. Run reloadWebProfile.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX).