Understanding PSADMIN Menus

You use PSADMIN to manage all of the main PeopleSoft server types. After launching PS_HOME\appserv\psadmin.exe from the command line, the PeopleSoft Server Administration (PSADMIN) main menu appears.

PeopleSoft Server Administration

  Config Home:  D:\PT_SERVER\8.57

  1) Application Server
  2) Process Scheduler
  3) Web (PIA) Server
  4) Switch Config Home
  5) Service Setup
  6) Replicate Config Home
  7) Refresh Config Home
  q) Quit

Command to execute (1-7, q):



Config Home

Displays the PS_CFG_HOME the current PSADMIN session. If it is not the PS_CFG_HOME desired, use the Switch Config Home option to select the appropriate location.

Application Server

Select to manage your application server domains.

Process Scheduler

Select to manage your Process Scheduler domains.

Switch Config Home

Select to switch to an alternative PS_CFG_HOME location. Determine the current PS_CFG_HOME from the Config Home value displayed.

Service Setup

(Applies to Microsoft Windows only). Select to configure domains to start using Windows Services.

Replicate Config Home

Select to replicate configured PS_CFG_HOME locations so that you can share these pre-created, tuned, and configured server configurations on the local server or on remote servers.

Refresh Config Home

Select to refresh all domains in the PS_CFG_HOME location so that the latest configuration settings are applied to the domains.

Note: As a configuration option, you can configure a domain to spawn server processes according to the volume of transaction requests. To enable spawning, enter a value for the Spawn Threshold configuration parameter. In the following configuration section descriptions, some servers enable you to specify a minimum and maximum number of server processes. To enable spawning for these server processes, the maximum value must exceed the minimum value by an increment of at least one. As needed, the domain spawns server processes up to the maximum value. As the volume of transactions decreases, the number of spawned server processes decreases, or decays, until the minimum value is reached. By default, spawning is disabled.

See Spawn Threshold.

Note: Generally, the documentation reflects the order in which the configuration sections appear in the PSADMIN interface or the PSAPPSRV.CFG file.