Using PSADMIN Configuration Files

This section provides an overview of PSADMIN executables and configuration files.

You can create, configure, and boot an application server domain from the PSADMIN interface or through its command-line options.

The configuration and data files on which the executables rely all reside in PS_CFG_HOME\appserv\domain_name. Each domain has its own set of these files:


    This is the catch-all configuration file that contains the entire collection of configuration values for a given application server domain.


    This is the template or model file for the PSAPPSRV.UBB file. This is where the system stores environment settings after being edited through PSADMIN.


    This file stores and passes all of the domain values to the Tuxedo load configuration program (tmloadcf.exe).


    This is the template or model file specifically for the messaging server configuration sections.


    This contains environment information, such as the PS_HOME referenced by a domain.


    This contains the format specification for the configuration parameters and, for some parameters, a set of valid values that can assigned. This helps to prevent administrators from entering invalid values.


    This contains PeopleSoft and Tuxedo information regarding the location of executables, files, and command lines for server processes. This file is required to boot a domain.


    This file contains a list of the services handled by the application server on behalf of Jolt.

Note: Oracle does not support creating custom configuration files, such as CFX or UBX templates, nor modifying delivered templates. However, modifying PSAPPSRV.CFG and PSPRCS.CFG can be done through PSADMIN or manually through a text editor.

Regardless of how you specify domain values, ultimately you must run PSADMIN to generate some necessary files that include your specific values. In the following example, PSADMIN invokes another PeopleSoft executable, UBBGEN, which reads the values and format in the psappsrv.cfg, psappsrv.val, and psappsrv.ubx files, and generates the psappsrv.ubb and psappsrv.env files.

Where you see Do you want to change any config values? (y/n), regardless of what you enter, PSADMIN calls UBBGEN.

If you have already entered values manually in the psappsrv.cfg file and enter n, UBBGEN reads those values and writes to the necessary files.

If you enter y, you see the PSADMIN prompt interface, which is actually a wrapper to UBBGEN. UBBGEN reads the previous values in the psappsrv.cfg, presents those values, and allows you to change them. It presents the values in the format that is derived from reading the PSAPPSRV.UBX file, and it validates selected values based on criteria in the PSAPPSRV.VAL file.

Note: In the previous example, UBBGEN both reads from and writes to the psappsrv.cfg file. It reads the previous values or defaults and, if any values are modified, it writes the new values to the new psappsrv.cfg file.

Here are the scenarios by which you can configure a domain:

  • Start PSADMIN, and enter values at all of the prompts.

    This generates all of the necessary files automatically.

  • Edit the psappsrv.cfg file.

    If you decide not to use PSADMIN you must complete the following tasks in order:

    • From the command line, create a domain based on a particular template.

    • Edit the psappsrv.cfg file in a text editor.

    • Issue the configure command from the PSADMIN command line. This is the command that calls UBBGEN. You see the following after issuing this command:

      n:\<ps_home>\appserv>psadmin -c configure -d HRDOM01
      Performing load prechecks ...
      Loading validation table...
      Loading new configuration...
      Domain configuration complete. 

After you configure a domain and PSADMIN creates the new configuration file, PSADMIN loads the new configuration settings into PSTUXCFG so that the domain can properly boot. This occurs automatically after you have completed all of the prompts for values in PSADMIN.

To load the new configuration, PSADMIN calls the Tuxedo executable, TMLOADCF.EXE, which populates the PSTUXCFG file. TMLOADCF.EXE reads the newly entered values that appear in the PSAPPSRV.UBB file and writes them to the PSTUXCFG file.

To track changes made to the psappsrv.cfg file and the history of the changes, a subdirectory, named "archive," stores various versions of the CFG file. You can find this subdirectory in the domain name directory, as in C:\PS_CFG_HOME\appserv\domain name\archive, where the current version of psappsrv.cfg resides.

When you boot the application server domain for the first time, PSADMIN places a copy of psappsrv.cfg in the archive directory. In subsequent boots, if PSADMIN detects a change in psappsrv.cfg based on the time stamp values, it replaces the current psappsrv.cfg with the latest version. The file name of the new version is then psappsrv_mmddyy_hhmm_ss.cfg, as displayed on the time stamp.

When you select Boot this domain, PSADMIN calls the Tuxedo executable, TMBOOT.EXE, which uses the information that resides in the PSAPPSRV.ENV and PSTUXCFG files to boot the appropriate domain.

Note: You can track the server processes that start by using PSADMIN, ps -ef command in UNIX, or Task Manager in Microsoft Windows.

When you select Domain shutdown menu and select one of the shutdown options, PSADMIN calls the Tuxedo executable, TMSHUTDOWN.EXE, which also uses the information that resides in the PSAPPSRV.ENV and PSTUXCFG files to shut down the appropriate domain.

Following a successful domain shutdown, PSADMIN checks and stops orphaned processes in the domain. If PSADMIN identifies and stops any orphaned server processes, it displays a screen message at the end of the shutdown operation.

To detect any orphaned application server processes, a server process, PSWATCHSRV, monitors the application server domain. Every two minutes, PSWATCHSRV identifies and stops any hung or orphaned server processes. If any hung or orphaned processes are found, it writes a message to the application server log file. The PSWATCHSRV process is the first process to start when you boot up the domain and the last one to stop when you shut down the domain.

Domain ID Name

To identify orphaned application server processes, all server processes within a server's domain must be uniquely identified. Therefore, the system appends a unique number to the domain ID in the psappsrv.cfg file. If you refer to domain IDs in scripts or processes, you may need to change those to reflect the new naming convention.

The command line varies slightly depending on the application server process, but it looks like this:

PSAPPSRV -C dom=pt84_52692 ...