Using PSADMUTIL from the Command Line

The psadmutil.exe is located in the PS_HOME\bin\server directory for the application server installation. The command line interface for psadmutil.exe uses the following syntax:

psadmutil -CT ​dbtype [-CS ​server name] -CD ​database_name -CO ​user_ID 
-CP ​user_password -CI ​connect_ID -CW ​connect_password [-Preload [ProjectName]] [-Purge]

The following table describes the accepted command line parameters.





Specify the database type.

Valid values are DB2ODBC, MICROSFT, and ORACLE.

Note: Notice the spelling of MICROSFT. DB2ODBC is the database type for Db2 z/OS.



(Optional) Specify the name of the database server for the database to which you're connecting.

-CS pt-server1


Specify the name of the database to connect to, as you would when signing in to PeopleSoft.



Specify the PeopleSoft user ID you're using to sign in.



Specify the user password for the PeopleSoft user ID you specified.

-CP password


Specify the connect ID used to connect to the database server.

-CI people


Specify the password for the Connect ID you specified.

-CW password

-Preload [preload cache project]

Invokes the preload cache operation. If this parameter is used, you must also specify the name of the preload project.

Note: If you do not specify a cache project name, the system reads the value from the server configuration file (PSAPPSRV.CFG or PSPRCS.CFG file), based on the PS_SERVER_CFG file.



Purges the cache for the specified database.

Note: This option only applies if database caching is implemented.


Note: If any of these parameters are not specified, the system reads them from the PSAPPSRV.CFG or PSPRCS.CFG file. For example, for security reasons, the database connection related parameters do not need to be specified on the command line, and the system can get these values from the server configuration files.

Note: Before running psadmutil.exe from the command line, make sure PS_SERVER_CFG and PS_SERVDIR are set correctly. When PSADMIN calls psadmutil.exe, these environment variables are already set by PSADMIN to the valid values.