Using PeopleSoft Interaction Hub and Content Providers

Typically, PeopleTools recommends that the portal and content sites run in separate PeopleSoft Internet Architecture domains. If these sites are running in the same PeopleSoft Internet Architecture domain (as in having multiple sites within the same domain, with one site for the portal and the other sites for content), then there is no need to load-balance requests separately to the content sites, because the requests will be routed to the same JVM's.

When the portal and content sites run in the same PeopleSoft domain as multiple sites, they share the same session because the web application is the same for all sites. PeopleTools does not recommend configuring portal and content sites in the same PeopleSoft domain for performance and reliability reasons.

So assuming that portal and content sites are running in separate PeopleSoft domains, they will have separate ports and, usually, separate hosts. In this case, if portal and content sites are using the same physical load balancer, the routing rules will have to be set up for these sites separately.

When using PeopleSoft Interaction Hub and Content Providers:

  • The session-cookie name of PeopleSoft Interaction Hub and the Remote Content Provider must be absolutely distinct. For example,

    PeopleSoft Interaction Hub's session-cookie name: PTENPRTL-8080-PORTAL-PSJESSIONID

    Content Provider's session-cookie name: PTFIN-9090-PORTAL-PSJESSIONID

  • Neither of the systems' session-cookie name must be part of the other's session-cookie name. The following example illustrates a bad choice of a session-cookie name:

    PeopleSoft Interaction Hub's session-cookie name: PORTAL-PSJESSIONID

    Content Provider's session-cookie name: PTFIN-9090-PORTAL-PSJESSIONID

  • If there are multiple PeopleSoft Interaction Hub or Content Provider web servers with Load-Balancer or Proxy, see carefully choose a session-cookie name.

    For example, consider an environment having a Load Balancer in front of two PeopleSoft Interaction Hub web servers, with the session-cookie's name used as Load Balancer's stickiness criterion. Suppose the name of the session-cookie is PTENPRTL-8080-PORTAL-PSJESSIONID. In this case, both PeopleSoft Interaction Hub web servers must have the same session-cookie name: PTENPRTL-8080-PORTAL-PSJESSIONID.

    If this environment has an HCM Load balancer with four HCM web servers, with the session-cookie name as stickiness criterion, each of the HCM web servers must have the same cookie, like HTR-9090-PORTAL-PSJESSIONID and this name must be distinct from the name of the session-cookie used for PeopleSoft Interaction Hub.