Working with PeopleSoft Server Process Logs

For each PeopleSoft server process, such as PSAPPSRV, the system writes an individual log file to your specified logs directory. Depending on the logging level, these log files can contain varying amounts of information. Reviewing these log files regularly can help you to identify potential issues or system trends, and they are a valuable source of information when troubleshooting. The PIA and application server domain logs include correlation fields, such as SRID, TOP Instance ID, and Operator ID that enable you to correlate log files across multiple domains when troubleshooting. To understand the log information, it is helpful to be able to identify the various log fields that the system writes to an individual line in the log file.

Note: Correlation data is logged when available, otherwise placeholders (hyphen) are used in place of correlation fields to maintain uniformity of format in the log files.

Note: Integration Broker, trace, and third-party log files do not include correlation information. However, all log files include placeholders (hyphen) for the correlation fields to maintain uniformity of format in the log files.

A typical log file contains these log fields:

[Server Process]:[Operating System Process ID] [Service Request Number] [Timestamp] [SRID] [TOP Instance ID] [Operator ID] [Log Level] [Message]

The following fields are included in the logs:

  • Server Process — The PeopleSoft server process, such as PSAPPSRV.

  • Operating System Process ID — The process number assigned by the operating system.

  • Service Request Number — The number of service requests that this Tuxedo server process has sequentially executed.

    See Listeners, Handlers, and Queues.

  • Timestamp — Date and time the message was generated.

    The format is YYYY = year, MM = month, DD = day, HH = hour, MM = minute, SS = seconds, and sss = milliseconds.

  • SRID — A base64 encoded field uniquely associating a user session and its service request in the PeopleSoft-generated online transaction processing (OLTP) log files. For example, 17F2TbFWJw69UXCzfobVhZ.

    Note: This is sometimes referred to as TRID.

  • TOP Instance ID —Top correlation attribute in PPM’s PMU Tree.

    It is a 64-bit integer. For example, 455266533594. It is used for correlating log entries with PPM data. For more information on instance IDs in PMU trees, see Viewing Open PMUs.

  • Operator ID and remote address — PeopleSoft user ID and the remote address (IP address or DNS host name) that the user has at the time the message is logged.

  • Log Level — The relative importance of this particular log message.

    Only messages whose logging levels are less than or equal to the LogFence appear in the log file.

    See the LogFence information in Domain Settings.

  • Message — The actual log message.

The following table provides examples of content for each trace field.

Server Process:PID

Service Request




TOP Instance ID

Oper-ator ID

Log Level









Authenticate User not needed. New User Id/Password same as current.








Recycling server after 1000 services








Cache Directory being used: D:\PT_SERVER\appserv\T1B85301\CACHE\PSAPPSRV_1\








Server started









You can select how you prefer to separate the trace fields using the [Domain Settings] LogFieldSeparator setting.