Workstation Listener Options

The workstation listener is the component to which PeopleSoft development environments running on Windows send Tuxedo messages. Development environments run Application Designer, for example.

By default, the workstation listener is disabled.

%PS_MACH% resolves automatically to the machine name that PSADMIN obtains by using a system application programming interface (API) call. You can also specify the machine's Internet Protocol (IP) address (dotted notation) or its resolvable name (domain name server [DNS] name).

You should not change this value except in the following rare cases. If you are configuring files to run an application server on another machine (that is, you plan to copy PSAPPSRV.CFG and PSAPPSRV.UBB to a domain on another machine), you must overlay %PS_MACH% with the other machine's name.

Note: If you enter a literal IP address or machine name in place of the %PS_MACH% system variable, PSADMIN automatically adds '//' to the beginning of the value during the configure process. For example, if you enter in place of %PS_MACH%, after configuring the domain, the value appears as // in both PSADMIN and the psappsrv.cfg file.

Enter the 4-digit port number to assign to the WSL. Port numbers are arbitrary numbers between 1000 and 64,000 and must not be in use by another service. The default values is 7000.

Enter a 4-digit SSL port number to assign to WSL. The default values are:

  • 7010 for a small application server domain template

  • 7012 for medium application server domain template

  • 7025 for large application server domain template

Use this option to specify the minimum encryption level for encrypting data messages between client workstations and the application server. Choose one of the following values, which indicate the encryption key length (in bits):

  • 0 — No encryption.

    Important! This is the default value.

  • 40 — 40-bit encryption.

  • 128 — 128-bit encryption.

Note: Because this is a dynamic parameter, you must modify it by selecting Custom Configuration on the Quick-Configure menu, and reboot the application server domain for it to take effect.

Use this option to specify the maximum encryption level allowed for encrypting data messages between client workstations and the application server. Choose one of the following values, which indicate the encryption key length (in bits):

  • 0 — No encryption.

  • 40 — 40–bit encryption.

  • 128 — 128–bit encryption.

  • 256 — 256–bit encryption.

    Important! The default value is 256.

Enter the number of workstation handlers (WSHs) to be started at boot time. The minimum number of handlers required depends on the domain. A smaller domain, handling less connections, may only need one WSH to start at boot time. A larger domain, handling more connections, may require ten WSHs to start at boot time.

Here are the default Min Handler values for the delivered application server templates:

  • Small –- 1

  • Medium — 5

  • Large — 10

  • Developer — 1

Enter the maximum number of WSHs that can be started for a domain. As connections increase, the system spawns more WSHs (up to the Max Handler value) to keep up with system demand. If the Min Handlers value equals the Max Handlers value, Tuxedo does not spawn incremental WSHs. Make sure the additional ports are free.

If you configure more than one application server domain, to avoid port conflicts, you must allow for spawned ports, up to the Max Handler value. For example, for a small template, if the first port is 7000, to derive the port number for the second domain, skip 3 and set the port for the second domain to 7004.

Here are the default Max Handler values for the delivered application server templates:

  • Small –- 3

  • Medium — 12

  • Large — 25

  • Developer — 2

See Listeners, Handlers, and Queues.

Enter the maximum number of client workstation connections that each WSH can manage. Each WSH can handle approximately 60 client connections. Numbers vary depending upon the resources of the server. In most cases, you should decrease the default as opposed to increasing it. The default is 40.

Enter the amount of time, in minutes, that a client connection can remain idle (no work requested) before Tuxedo terminates the client connection. Client disconnects are transparent to a client, and a user just clicks the mouse to cause a reconnection. The default value for this setting is 60 minutes.

This value, when multiplied by SCANUNIT (a UBB parameter value that is defined in the PSAPPSRV.UBB file) specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that Tuxedo allows for a client connection request to bind to a WSH before terminating the connection attempt.

Enter the minimum length of a data message for which the application server initiates data compression. While compression results in favorable performance gains for transactions over a wide area network (WAN), testing reveals that compression can degrade performance slightly over a local area network (LAN) due to the compression and decompression overhead.

You should use the default threshold of 5000, which sets a balance between WAN and LAN environments. This means that only network request and response messages over 5000 bytes are compressed, and those 5000 and under are uncompressed. If you support both WAN and LAN users, you can configure a hybrid environment by configuring two application servers: one to support WAN users (with compression set to 100) and another to support LAN users (with compression set to 100000, effectively turning compression off).