Constructing Command Lines to Create and Apply Change Packages

Apply commands include:

  • CPDEFINE = Define a New Change Package

  • CPAPPLY = Apply Previously Created (non-PRP) Change Package

  • PRPAPPLY = Apply PRP

  • PTPAPPLY = Apply a patch to your Current PeopleTools Release

  • PTUAPPLY = Upgrade to a New Release of PeopleTools

  • UPGAPPLY = Application Upgrade

  • DLTAPPLY = Apply Tools Delta Package

  • TDPAPPLY = Apply Translation Delta Package

  • RFUAPPLY = Apply Required for Upgrade Package

When you run the command line, the error codes are as follows:

  • 0 = Success

  • 1 = Failure

  • 2 = Manual Stop encountered

  • 3 = Failed to get lock

  • 4 = Job completed with warnings

The RESUMEJOB parameter has the following limitations:

  • COMPLETECONTINUE cannot be used for a failed Filter Query step

    If the pending job is stopped by a failed Filter Query step, -RESUMEJOB can only have the value of RESTARTCONTINUE or READYTORUNCONTINUE. If the value is COMPLETECONTINUE , an error message is reported.

  • RESTARTCONTINUE| READYTORUNCONTINUE cannot be used for a manual stop step.

    If the pending job is stopped by a manual stop step, -RESUMEJOB can only have the value of COMPLETECONTINUE. If the value is RESTARTCONTINUE or READYTORUNCONTINUE, an error message is reported.

  • The job must exist in Change Assistant Database in order to use RESUMEJOB.

    If there is no job set in progress when the CA apply command line is run with the parameter - RESUMEJOB, a warning message is reported.

  • RESUMEJOB cannot be used when the parameter RESETJOB is Y.

    If there is a job in progress and the -RESETJOB parameters is set as Y or not set (the default value is Y) a warning message is reported as The resuming job can’t be reset.

  • All other parameters need to be consist with the parameters of existing job

    If there is a job in progress but the job parameters are not consistent with the ones in CA apply command line; a warning message is reported as The pending job can’t be resumed by the inconsistent parameter values.

Note: From 8.60, you can create and apply change packages from separate jobs. Earlier defining, creating, and applying change package was executed consecutively in change assistant command line mode in a single job.

You can use the command line to define a change package using a standard system search or a customer saved search.

Command line format:



changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION CPDEFINE -INI <path to ini file>

The parameters for CPCREATE action are:




Change Assistant Action (Required)

UM = Update Manager


Action name (Required)

CPDEFINE =Define Change Package


Target environment (Required)

Example: -TGTENV H92CD540


Update ID of change package. (Required)]

Example: -UPD 11111


Specify the System search name or customer search name. (Required)

Available system search names:

  • MMC = All Updates Not Applied

  • PO = All Critical Updates Not Applied

  • IP = All Unapplied Updates for Installed Products

  • POI= All Critical Unapplied Updates for Installed Products

  • TAX = All Tax Updates Not Applied

  • TR= All True Requisites Not Applied


Specify a Change Package description. (Optional)


Specify whether or not to launch GUI if an error or manual stop is encountered. (Optional)

  • Y = Do not Launch

  • N= Launch (default)


Path to ini file.

See Using a Configuration File with Changeassistant.bat

The action CPCREATE is used to upgrade to a new PeopleTools release using the command line.

Command line format:

changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION CPCREATE  -UPD <change package> -OUT <path to log file>  -EXONERR <Y or N>


changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION CPCREATE -INI <path to ini file>

The parameters for CPCREATE action are:




Change Assistant Action (Required)

UM = Update Manager


Action name (Required)

CPCREATE =Create Change Package


Update ID of change package. (Required)]

Example: -UPD PTU854


Path to log file. (Optional)


Specify whether or not to launch GUI if an error or manual stop is encountered. (Optional)

  • Y = Do not Launch

  • N= Launch (default)


Path to ini file.

See Using a Configuration File with Changeassistant.bat

The action CPAPPLY is used to apply a change package that was created using PUM.

Command line format:

Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION CPAPPLY -TGTENV <target database> -UPD <change package> -TYPE <initial pass or move to production> -SYNCTYPE <y OR n> -OUT <log file directory> -WARNINGSOK <Yor N> -RESETJOB <Y or N> -EXONERR <launch GUI Y or N> -RESUMEJOB [COMPLETECONTINUE|RESTARTCONTINUE| READYTORUNCONTINUE]


Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION CPAPPLY -INI <path to ini file>

Example command line:

Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION CPAPPLY  -TGTENV HC920001 – UPD PKG1

In this example the target database is named HC920001and the change package to apply is PKG1. All of the other parameters will use the default.




Change Assistant mode (Required)



Change Assistant action (Required)

CPAPPLY = Apply Previously Created (non-PRP) Change Package


Target database


The Change Package to apply. (Required)

Specify either all , a single or multiple Change Packages to apply to the specified environment.

For example:

  • -UPD all

  • -UPD PKG1

  • -UPD PKG1,PKG2


Apply Type. (Optional)

  • IP = Initial Pass (All steps) (default)

  • MTP = Move to production

  • IPSRC = Source only initial pass

  • IPTGT = Target only initial pass


Synchronize target metadata. (Optional)

  • Y = Yes (default if type is IP)

  • N = No (default if type is not IP)


Path of log file (Optional)

If the log directory is not specified it uses the default defined under General Options.


Proceed with apply even if warnings are found. (Optional)

  • Y = Proceed with apply even if warnings are found. (default)

  • N = Stop apply when warnings are encountered.


Specify whether or not to launch GUI if an error or manual stop is encountered. (Optional)

  • Y = Do not Launch

  • N= Launch (default)


Specify whether or not to reset the job if the job fails the first time it is run.

  • Y = Delete existing job and create a new job

  • N = Do NOT delete existing job and continue running the existing job. (default)


Specify the parameter value:


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status COMPLETED MANUALLY and continue the job.


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status RE-START and continue the job.


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status READYTORUN and continue the job.


    To retrieve and review the job which stopped with warnings, and then set to status COMPLETED MANUALLY.

    This is similar to COMPLETECONTINUE resume option.


Path to ini file.

See Using a Configuration File with Changeassistant.bat

The action PRPAPPLY is used to apply a previously downloaded PRP to the PeopleSoft Update Image.

In order to apply a PRP from the command line, you must run 2 commands, first identify the PUM source using the Options action and then apply the PRP.

  1. This is an example of the command line to set the PUM environment.

    Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION OPTIONS -SRCYN Y -SRCENV HR92U016 -PUH D:\psft\pt\pi_home\ -PIA -OUT d:\temp\PRP.LOG -EXONERR Y

    In this example, Configure PUM Source (SRCYN) is set to Y, the PUM Source database (-SRCENV) is HR92U016 , the PI home directory (-PUH) is set to D:\psft\pt\pi_home\, the PIA URL (-PIA) is set to

    See the section on Command Line for Setting Options for additional details on setting General Options.

  2. This is an example for applying the PRP.

    changeassistant.bat  -MODE UM -ACTION PRPAPPLY -UPD PRJ22534037 

    In this example the change package to apply is PRJ22534037 (name of the downloaded PRP change package). All of the other parameters will use the default.

    Command line format:

    Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION PRPAPPLY  –UPD <change package> -OUT <log file directory> -WARNINGSOK <Y or N> -REPLACE <Y or N> -EXONERR <launch GUI Y or N> -RESETJOB <Y or N>


    Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION PRPAPPLY -INI <path to ini file>
  3. You can re-apply PRPs using the REPLACE parameter.

    If the REPLACE parameter is set to N, then from the given list of PRPs, the PRPs that you applied previously will not be reapplied. Only the PRPs that are not yet applied will be applied in the current run.

    This is an example of re-applying PRPs when the REPLACE parameter is N:

    Changeassistant.bat  -MODE UM -ACTION PRPAPPLY  -UPD PRJ34526338_I45;PRJ34513463_I45;PRJ34526732_I45;PRJ34513987_I45  -EXONERR Y -REPLACE N

    In this example, you want to re-apply the change packages PRJ34526338_I45;PRJ34513463_I45;PRJ34526732_I45;PRJ34513987_I45.

    The command line log displays:

    REPLACE parameter is not set. Already applied PRPs will not be re-applied.

    If the REPLACE parameter is set to Y, then Change Assistant needs to apply all the PRPs from the given list.

    This is an example of re-applying PRPs when REPLACE parameter is Y:

    Changeassistant.bat  -MODE UM -ACTION PRPAPPLY  -UPD PRJ34526338_I45;PRJ34513463_I45;PRJ34526732_I45;PRJ34513987_I45

    The command line log displays:

    REPLACE parameter is set. Applied PRPs will be re-applied on PUM source.




Change Assistant mode (Required)

UM = Update Manager


Action name (Required)



Update ID of Change Package to apply. (Required)


Path of log file (Optional)

If the log directory is not specified it uses the default defined under General Options.


Proceed with apply even if warnings are found. (Optional)

  • Y = Proceed with apply even if warnings are found. (default)

  • N = Stop apply when warnings are encountered.


Replace existing data if it exists (Optional)

  • Y = Replace existing values if they exist. (default)

  • N = Do not replace values if they exist


Specify whether or not to launch GUI if an error or manual stop is encountered. (Optional)

  • Y = Do not Launch

  • N= Launch (default)


Specify whether or not to reset the job if the job fails the first time it is run.

  • Y = Delete existing job and create a new job

  • N = Do NOT delete existing job and continue running the existing job. (default)


Specify the parameter value:


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status COMPLETE and continue the job.


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status RE-START and continue the job


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status READYTORUN and continue the job


Path to ini file.

See Using a Configuration File with Changeassistant.bat

The action PTPAPPLY is used to apply a PeopleTools Patch using the command line.

Command line format:

Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION PTPAPPLY -TGTENV <target database> -UPD <change package>


Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION PTPAPPLY -INI <path to ini file>

The parameters for applying a PeopleTools patch are:




Change Assistant Action (Required)

UM = Update Manager


Action name (Required)



Target environment (Required)


Update ID of change package. (Required)]

Example: -UPD PTP85401


Path to log file. (Optional)


Proceed with apply even if warnings are found. (Optional)

  • Y = Proceed with apply even if warnings are found. (default)

  • N = Stop apply when warnings are encountered.


Specify whether or not to launch GUI if an error or manual stop is encountered. (Optional)

  • Y = Do not Launch

  • N= Launch (default)


Specify the parameter value:


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status COMPLETE and continue the job.


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status RE-START and continue the job


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status READYTORUN and continue the job


Path to ini file.

See Using a Configuration File with Changeassistant.bat

The action PTUAPPLY is used to upgrade to a new PeopleTools release using the command line.

Command line format:

changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION PTUAPPLY -TGTENV <target database> -UPD <change package> -OUT <path to log file> -WARNINGOK <Y or N> -EXONERR <Y or N>


changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION PTUAPPLY -INI <path to ini file>

The parameters for PTUAPPLY action are:




Change Assistant Action (Required)

UM = Update Manager


Action name (Required)



Target environment (Required)


Update ID of change package. (Required)]

Example: -UPD PTU854


Path to log file. (Optional)


Proceed with apply even if warnings are found. (Optional)

  • Y = Proceed with apply even if warnings are found. (default)

  • N = Stop apply when warnings are encountered.


Specify whether or not to launch GUI if an error or manual stop is encountered. (Optional)

  • Y = Do not Launch

  • N= Launch (default)


Specify the parameter value:


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status COMPLETE and continue the job.


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status RE-START and continue the job


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status READYTORUN and continue the job


Path to ini file.

See Using a Configuration File with Changeassistant.bat

The action UPGAPPLY is used to upgrade to 9.2 application release using the command line.

Command line format:

changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION UPGAPPLY -TGTENV <target database> -UPD <change package> -OUT <path to log file> -WARNINGOK <Y or N> -EXONERR <Y or N>


changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION UPGAPPLY -INI <path to ini file>

The parameters for PTUAPPLY action are:




Change Assistant Action (Required)

UM = Update Manager


Action name (Required)



Target environment (Required)


Upgrade source environment (Required)


Update ID of change package. (Required)]

Example: -UPD HCM91TO92UPG


Required for upgrade change package (Optional)

  • Y Yes (apply)

  • N No(not apply)


PeopleTools upgrade change package (Optional)

Example: -PTU PTU856


Apply Type. (Optional)

  • IP = Initial Pass (All steps) (default)

  • MTP = Move to production

  • SP= Subsequent Pass


Synchronize Target Metadata (Optional)

  • Y Yes (default if type is IP)

  • N No(default if type is not IP)


Path to log file. (Optional)


Proceed with apply even if warnings are found. (Optional)

  • Y = Proceed with apply even if warnings are found. (default)

  • N = Stop apply when warnings are encountered.


Reset Job Set before applying (Optional)

  • RESETJOB Y = Reset Job Set before applying (default)

  • RESETJOB N = Do Not Reset Job Set before applying


Specify whether or not to launch GUI if an error or manual stop is encountered. (Optional)

  • Y = Do not Launch

  • N= Launch (default)


Specify the parameter value:


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status COMPLETE and continue the job.


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status RE-START and continue the job


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status READYTORUN and continue the job


Specify either the file servers or ini path.

File servers hostname#configPath (Optional)

  • -FS all (default)

  • -FS <hostname>#c:\pt8.53-102-r1

  • -FS <hostname>#c:\pt8.53-102-r1; <hostname>#c:\pt8.53-103-r1


Path to ini file.

See Using a Configuration File with Changeassistant.bat

The action DLTAPPLY is used to apply a Tools Delta change package that was created using PUM.

Command line format:

Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION DLTAPPLY -TGTENV <target database> -UPD <change package> -TYPE <initial pass or move to production> -SYNCTYPE <y OR n> -OUT <log file directory> -WARNINGSOK <Yor N> -RESETJOB <Y or N> -EXONERR <launch GUI Y or N> -RESUMEJOB [COMPLETECONTINUE|RESTARTCONTINUE| READYTORUNCONTINUE]


Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION DLTAPPLY -INI <path to ini file>

Example command line:

Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION DLTAPPLY  -TGTENV HC920001 – UPD PKG1

In this example the target database is named HC920001and the change package to apply is PKG1. All of the other parameters will use the default.




Change Assistant mode (Required)



Change Assistant action (Required)

DLTAPPLY = Apply Tools Delta Change Package


Target database (Required)

Optional if TYPE is IPSRC


The Change Package to apply. (Required)

Specify either all , a single or multiple Change Packages to apply to the specified environment.

For example:

  • -UPD all

  • -UPD PKG1

  • -UPD PKG1,PKG2


Apply Type. (Optional)

  • IP = Initial Pass (All steps) (default)

  • MTP = Move to production

  • IPSRC = Source only initial pass

  • IPTGT = Target only initial pass


Synchronize target metadata. (Optional)

  • Y = Yes (default if type is IP)

  • N = No (default if type is not IP)


Path of log file (Optional)

If the log directory is not specified it uses the default defined under General Options.


Proceed with apply even if warnings are found. (Optional)

  • Y = Proceed with apply even if warnings are found. (default)

  • N = Stop apply when warnings are encountered.


Specify whether or not to launch GUI if an error or manual stop is encountered. (Optional)

  • Y = Do not Launch

  • N= Launch (default)


Specify whether or not to reset the job if the job fails the first time it is run.

  • Y = Delete existing job and create a new job

  • N = Do NOT delete existing job and continue running the existing job. (default)


Specify the parameter value:


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status COMPLETE and continue the job.


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status RE-START and continue the job


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status READYTORUN and continue the job


Specify either the file servers or ini path.

File servers hostname#configPath (Optional)

  • -FS all (default)

  • -FS slc06ejv#c:\pt8.53-102-r1

  • -FS slc06ejv#c:\pt8.53-102-r1;slc08eyu#c:\pt8.53-103-r1


Path to ini file.

See Using a Configuration File with Changeassistant.bat

The action DLTAPPLY is used to apply a Tools Delta change package that was created using PUM.

Command line format:

Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION TDPAPPLY -TGTENV <target database> -UPD <change package> -TYPE <initial pass or move to production> -SYNCTYPE <y OR n> -OUT <log file directory> -WARNINGSOK <Yor N> -RESETJOB <Y or N> -EXONERR <launch GUI Y or N> -RESUMEJOB [COMPLETECONTINUE|RESTARTCONTINUE| READYTORUNCONTINUE]


Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION TDPAPPLY -INI <path to ini file>

Example command line:

Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION TDPAPPLY  -TGTENV HC920001 – UPD PKG1

In this example the target database is named HC920001and the change package to apply is PKG1. All of the other parameters will use the default.




Change Assistant mode (Required)



Change Assistant action (Required)

TDPAPPLY = Apply Translation Delta Change Package


Target database (Required)

Optional if TYPE is IPSRC


The Change Package to apply. (Required)

Specify either all , a single or multiple Change Packages to apply to the specified environment.

For example:

  • -UPD all

  • -UPD PKG1

  • -UPD PKG1,PKG2


Apply Type. (Optional)

  • IP = Initial Pass (All steps) (default)

  • MTP = Move to production

  • IPSRC = Source only initial pass

  • IPTGT = Target only initial pass


Synchronize target metadata. (Optional)

  • Y = Yes (default if type is IP)

  • N = No (default if type is not IP)


Path of log file (Optional)

If the log directory is not specified it uses the default defined under General Options.


Proceed with apply even if warnings are found. (Optional)

  • Y = Proceed with apply even if warnings are found. (default)

  • N = Stop apply when warnings are encountered.


Specify whether or not to launch GUI if an error or manual stop is encountered. (Optional)

  • Y = Do not Launch

  • N= Launch (default)


Specify whether or not to reset the job if the job fails the first time it is run.

  • Y = Delete existing job and create a new job

  • N = Do NOT delete existing job and continue running the existing job. (default)


Specify the parameter value:


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status COMPLETE and continue the job.


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status RE-START and continue the job


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status READYTORUN and continue the job


Specify either the file servers or ini path.

File servers hostname#configPath (Optional)

  • -FS all (default)

  • -FS slc06ejv#c:\pt8.53-102-r1

  • -FS slc06ejv#c:\pt8.53-102-r1;slc08eyu#c:\pt8.53-103-r1


Path to ini file.

See Using a Configuration File with Changeassistant.bat

The action RFUAPPLY is used to apply a Tools Delta change package that was created using PUM.

Command line format:

Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION RFUAPPLY -TGTENV <target database> -UPD <change package> -TYPE <initial pass or move to production> -SYNCTYPE <y OR n> -OUT <log file directory> -WARNINGSOK <Yor N> -RESETJOB <Y or N> -EXONERR <launch GUI Y or N> -RESUMEJOB [COMPLETECONTINUE|RESTARTCONTINUE| READYTORUNCONTINUE]


Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION RFUAPPLY -INI <path to ini file>

Example command line:

Changeassistant.bat -MODE UM -ACTION RFUAPPLY  -TGTENV HC920001 – UPD PKG1

In this example the target database is named HC920001and the change package to apply is PKG1. All of the other parameters will use the default.




Change Assistant mode (Required)



Change Assistant action (Required)

RFUAPPLY = Apply Required for Upgrade Change Package


Target database (Required)

Optional if TYPE is IPSRC


The Change Package to apply. (Required)

Specify either all , a single or multiple Change Packages to apply to the specified environment.

For example:

  • -UPD all

  • -UPD PKG1

  • -UPD PKG1,PKG2


Apply Type. (Optional)

  • IP = Initial Pass (All steps) (default)

  • MTP = Move to production

  • IPSRC = Source only initial pass

  • IPTGT = Target only initial pass


Synchronize target metadata. (Optional)

  • Y = Yes (default if type is IP)

  • N = No (default if type is not IP)


Path of log file (Optional)

If the log directory is not specified it uses the default defined under General Options.


Proceed with apply even if warnings are found. (Optional)

  • Y = Proceed with apply even if warnings are found. (default)

  • N = Stop apply when warnings are encountered.


Specify whether or not to launch GUI if an error or manual stop is encountered. (Optional)

  • Y = Do not Launch

  • N= Launch (default)


Specify whether or not to reset the job if the job fails the first time it is run.

  • Y = Delete existing job and create a new job

  • N = Do NOT delete existing job and continue running the existing job. (default)


Specify the parameter value:


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status COMPLETE and continue the job.


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status RE-START and continue the job


    To mark the first failed step or manual stop step to status READYTORUN and continue the job


Specify either the file servers or ini path.

File servers hostname#configPath (Optional)

  • -FS all (default)

  • -FS slc06ejv#c:\pt8.53-102-r1

  • -FS slc06ejv#c:\pt8.53-102-r1;slc08eyu#c:\pt8.53-103-r1


Path to ini file.

See Using a Configuration File with Changeassistant.bat