Reviewing the Updates Change Log

Using the Environment Management hub, Change Assistant evaluates the change log status of the available environments to identify if prerequisites have already been applied before allowing you to apply a new change package.

To review the change log for an environment, or to confirm whether particular update has been applied, you use the following PeopleTools utilities:



Updates - View All

PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > View All Updates

Updates by Release Label

PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > View Updates by Release Label

Updates by Update ID

PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > View Updates by Update ID

Only those application releases in which all of their application updates were delivered in change packages are considered to have reliable change log data. Application updates that you applied that were not delivered as change packages are probably not included in your change log. Therefore it's possible that your change log does not match your actual maintenance history. In these cases, you should apply change packages individually—select only one change package in the Update Wizard. Then, you can verify whether the list of missing prerequisites reported by Change Assistant accurately reflects your maintenance history.

If your target environment is at an application release level that is not considered to have reliable change log data, Change Assistant may falsely report that a prerequisite is missing from this environment. If this is the case, do not add the supposed missing update to your current apply list, as this would reinstall the update (not recommended).

Therefore, if your target environment may have unreliable change log data, review the list of missing prerequisites found by Change Assistant and if any of these updates are known to have been previously applied to your target environment, manually enter these updates to your change log first so that Change Assistant can accurately determine that these prerequisites have been satisfied. If you need to add entries to your change log, you will have to restart the apply change packages process.