Working With Change Package Automation

This section provides an overview, and discusses:

  • Working with ReleaseAdaptor.

  • Working with ProjectFilter.

  • Working with ProjectInspector.

PeopleTools provides a set of standalone utilities that automate the manipulation of change packages, ensuring that only the appropriate changes get included in change packages and applied to your system. For the most part, these utilities improve the process of creating change packages within Oracle for distribution to customer sites. However, they can also be useful at customer sites, where development teams create custom change packages to apply to their implementations.

These utilities address situations in previous releases, where during upgrades, manual steps were required and multiple change packages need to be applied, such as in the cases where Integration Broker metadata needed to be applied to pre-PeopleTools 8.48 releases. In most cases, these utilities run in the background when you create change packages or perform an upgrade while using Change Assistant. To run these utilities manually, they can be invoked from the command line, or added to automation shell scripts, for example.

When these utilities are used within an upgrade process, the documentation in your Change Assistant job and your upgrade documentation will provide the necessary details.

See Your PeopleSoft application upgrade documentation

ReleaseAdaptor is invoked by Change Assistant to remove:

  • contents from the project that are not consumable by the target PeopleTools release.

  • unneeded steps from the change package template.

ReleaseAdaptor appears as a Change Packager step, and automatically examines the project to determine if it is applicable to the current PeopleTools release. For example, it determines whether a project contains Integration Broker content, and, if the PeopleSoft application release is pre-PeopleSoft 9.0. If the project meets these criteria it generates and includes the additional pre-PeopleTools 8.48 Integration Broker elements without any manual intervention. The resulting change package will contain all elements required for consumption by all applicable releases of PeopleTools.

A set of command-line transformation programs enables this processing. Which programs need to be run for a specific release is determined by the TRANSFORM_PROGRAMS.XML file. TRANSFORM_PROGRAMS.XML has two sections:

  • a list of <release> tags that map various pillar and release identifiers into <InitialToolsRelease> elements

  • and a list of <transform> tags that specify which transforms to apply for each <InitialToolsRelease> element


The final, consolidated project will contain all required elements for all release targets.

ProjectFilter enables you to remove the specified project contents from the specified project.

Use the following syntax:

ProjectFilter >] 
[-N <instance name[;instance name*]>]] | [-TL]] [-LOG <log filepath>] [-?]




Specify the project file to be scanned. No default value assumed.

-TY | -TX

-TY specifies one or more object type names to be removed, delimited by a semicolon character (;).

-TX specifies one or more type names to be retained, delimited by a semicolon character (;).

-TY and -TX are mutually exclusive. If neither TY nor TX are specified, all types are removed.


A list of names of instances to be removed or retained in the form type:name0.name1.name2.name3 where each name is delimited by a semicolon (;) character. If not specified, all instances are removed or retained consistent with any -TY or -TX specification.


Lists the valid type identifiers, names, and descriptions.


Absolute path to log file.


Shows usage details.

Example: ProjectFilter

Entering the following removes record and field type objects from the project C:\PRJ151141.xml, and writes a log file to C:\ProjectFilter151141.log.

ProjectFilter -PRJ C:\PRJ151141.xml -TY Record;Field
-LOG C:\ProjectFilter151141.log

Entering the following lists valid object types, and writes a log file to C:\ProjectFilterObjTypes.log

ProjectFilter -TL -LOG C:\ProjectFilterObjTypes.log

ProjectInspector enables you to query the contents of projects. It does not require signon and it does not make a database connection. ProjectInspector is designed to be incorporated in automation shell scripts and for ad hoc queries. If can be run against projects created using previous releases of PeopleTools.

Use the following syntax: This has the command line:

ProjectInspector -PRJ <project file> [-TY <type name [‘;’ type name]* >]
[-N <instance name [‘;’ instance name]* >][-L N | C | T][-TL] [?]




Path name of the project file to be scanned. There is no default. If just a name is specified, the program checks in the current directory.


One or more object type names to be listed, delimited by a semicolon character (;).

If not specified, all types are removed.


A list of names of instances to be removed or retained in the form type:name0.name1.name2.name3 where each name is delimited by a semicolon (;) character. If not specified, all instances are removed or retained consistent with any -TY value.


Specifies the listing format and can be either N, T or C.

  • N means list the types and names of all objects with one object per line.

  • T means list the types and counts of all objects with one type per line.

  • (Default) C means list just the number of objects as a single integer.

The –N and –T arguments can be used in the same command provided the types do not overlap. Specifying the same types in an –N name argument as in a –T argument causes an error.


Lists the valid type names, numeric identifiers, and descriptions.


Shows usage details.

Example: ProjectInspector

Entering the following lists the number of subscription PeopleCode and message channel definitions in the project, or a null string if there were none.

ProjectInspector -PRG PRJ8979874.XML -TY SubscriptionPPC ; MessageChannel -T T