Reviewing Audit Results

Use the Batch Report page (PSBATCHREPORT) to view results of an audit.


Tree Manager > Tree Utilities > Tree Audit Reports

Alternatively, click the View Results link on the Tree Utilities page, click the View Results link on the Repair Tree page, or click the View Results link on the Tree Auditor page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Batch Report page. Definitions for the fields and controls appear following the example.

Batch Report page

Field or Control


Show Reports Criteria

Available options are:

  • Select the Reports with Data option to list only those reports that contains data. This is the default value.

  • Select the All Reports option to list all reports.

Report List

Lists each available report, with report title and total row count.

Click the Select link to access each report. The Select link is inactive for reports with zero row count.