Updating Effective-Dated Application Pages

If the application pages used to maintain node, level, or detail value tables are effective-dated, the Windows-based PeopleSoft Tree Manager had special coding to ensure that when you added a new value, the default effective date was the effective date of the tree. When a tree was saved, the Windows-based PeopleSoft Tree Manager checked the effective date of the newly added node, level, or detail value and issued a warning if it was greater than the tree's effective date.

In order to implement tree-specific effective date processing from the web-based PeopleSoft Tree Manager, a PeopleTools-provided work page – PSTREEMGRXFER – needs to be added to any component that updates effective-dated application tables. This work page contains logic that:

  • Automatically sets the default effective-date as the effective date of the tree.

  • Compares the effective date of the user data to the effective date of the tree during SaveEdit processing.

This new work page has already been added to the default components used to maintain the TREE_NODE_TBL and TREE_LEVEL_TBL, so only those trees that use effective-dated application pages for maintaining the node, level, or detail values need to be updated.

This illustration shows the PERSONAL_DATA1 component updated to include the new PSTREEMGRXFER work page. Notice that the new work page is marked as a hidden page.

The Definition tab of the Updated Personal Data component

Note: In the previous example, the SCRTY_TBL_BGL_WRK page was already part of this component and is used for other non-tree related purposes.

This configuration step is optional. However, remember that users of the Windows-based PeopleSoft Tree Manager are used to having the effective date of the application data automatically set to the tree’s effective date. Therefore, in order to provide consistent functionality, you should consider adding the new PSTREEMGRXFER page to your effective-dated components.