Working with Tree Nodes

This topic discusses how to work with tree nodes.

A node in PeopleSoft Tree Manager has three parts: the node image, the node name, and a node description.

In this example, the node is collapsed, so the folder image is closed. The node name is 10600, and the node description is Branch Office Administration.

Node with a description

In this example, the node skips a level.

Node that skips a level with level displayed

To display images for working with nodes, click the description or node name.

This example illustrates Node with editing images. Definitions for the images appear following the example.

Node with editing images

This is a complete list of node editing images. When you highlight a node, only the images representing the available actions appear:

Field or Control


Expand Node Hierarchy icon

Click the Expand Node Hierarchy icon to expand all child objects for the selected node.

Insert Child Node icon

Click the Insert Child Node icon to insert a new node that will be a child of the currently selected node.

Insert Sibling Node icon

Click the Insert Sibling Node icon to insert a new node that will share the same parent as the currently highlighted node.

Insert Detail icon

Click the Insert Detail icon to insert a new detail value.

This icon is available only if the detail value information has been entered on the Tree Structure Detail page.

Update Node Properties icon

Click the Update Node Properties icon to display the Node Properties page, which enables you to change the level of a node or rename a node.

Edit Data icon

Click the Edit Data to display a page for maintaining or editing the application data for the node. The table that stores the data is defined on the Tree Structure Maintenance page.

Delete Node icon

Click the Delete Node icon to delete the selected node.

Note: If you delete an object that has child nodes, all of its child nodes will also be deleted.

Cut icon

Click the Cut icon to cut one or multiple tree nodes or tree leaves, and then use the Paste as Sibling or Paste as Child icons to paste all cut tree nodes or tree leaves at once as children or siblings.

When you perform cut and paste in Tree Manager, note that:

  • A node can be pasted as a sibling or child of a node, but a node cannot be pasted as sibling of a leaf.

  • A leaf can be pasted as a child of a node or sibling of a leaf, but a leaf cannot be pasted as sibling of a node.

  • A node cannot be pasted as a child or sibling of its own children. When a node is cut, the Paste icon is available with any of its children.

  • The Cut icon in a node or a leaf is not available if its parent is cut.

  • Moving a node moves all its children (child nodes and leaves) along with it.

  • Root node and branched node cannot be cut.

Note: This icon is not available for dynamic detail leaves.

Paste as Sibling icon

Click the Paste as Sibling icon to paste a cut node into the tree as a sibling.

Paste as Child icon

Click the Paste as Child icon to paste a cut node into the tree as a child.

Branch icon

Click the Branch icon to subdivide that part of the tree into a separate component that can be maintained and viewed separately from the main tree.

Open Branch icon

Click the Open Branch icon to open the selected branch in PeopleSoft Tree Manager.

UnBranch icon

Click the UnBranch icon to remove the selected branch and PeopleSoft Tree Manager replaces the branch image with the node image. Any nodes that report to the selected node are now available in the tree.

Note: You cannot define a sibling or child node with an effective date greater than the effective date of the tree.

To insert a node:

  1. Select Tree Manager > Tree Manager.

  2. Search for an existing tree or create a new one.

  3. On the Tree Manager page, highlight a node.

  4. Click either the Insert Child Node or Insert Sibling Node icon.

  5. In the Tree Node field, click the prompt button to find the node name to insert.

  6. Enter the node name or select the node from the list.

    The Insert Child Node or Insert Sibling Note page appears with the selected value.

  7. Click the Add button.

    If you entered values that have already been defined in the User Node data record (table) but was not a part of the tree, PeopleSoft Tree Manager adds the values to the tree when you click the Add button.

    If you enter new values, PeopleSoft Tree Manager opens a User Node data page, where you can add a new value. If a new value is successfully added to the database, Tree Manager adds that value to the tree.

    If the node you specified already exists in the tree, the system displays an error pointing to the duplicate node.

To move a node using cut and paste:

  1. Select Tree Manager > Tree Manager.

  2. Search for an existing tree or create a new one.

  3. In the Tree Manager page, highlight the node and click the Cut icon.

  4. Select the destination node and click the Paste as Sibling or Paste as Child icon.

    The node is pasted into the position that you specified. Remember that you cannot insert a child node into a branch node, insert a sibling node into a root node, or insert a parent node into its child.

    PeopleSoft Tree Manager moves the entire part of the tree starting at the selected node. If the moved node has nodes or detail values reporting to it, they also move to the new position.

Note: You cannot move branched nodes.

Levels Behavior When Nodes are Moved

The following are general rules used for levels when nodes are moved:

  • Tree with strictly enforced levels: The parent node must always be at a higher level than its children.

  • Tree with loosely enforced levels: No rules are enforced; therefore, levels of the descendant nodes should be manually adjusted by using the switch level function on the pasted node.

The following table shows the basic behavior of levels when cutting and pasting nodes.


Strictly Enforced Levels

Loosely Enforced Levels

Moving node to a higher level.

Levels of the pasted node and its children are not automatically adjusted.

The pasted node appears as a skipped node.

(Node image changes to a skipped node image).

Levels of the pasted node and its children are not automatically adjusted.

The pasted node appears as a regular node.

Moving node to a lower level.

To ensure that the parent node is always at a higher level than its children, PeopleSoft Tree Manager automatically adjusts the level of the node and its children.

The levels of the pasted node and its children are not adjusted.

Note: New tree levels are not automatically created in non-root branches when a tree node is moved or a new tree node is added.

Use the Node Properties page (PSTREENODELEVELS) to change node levels, change node properties, and rename nodes.


  1. Select Tree Manager > Tree Manager.

  2. Search for an existing tree or create a new one.

  3. Select a node on the Tree Manager page and click the Update Node Properties icon.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Node Properties page.

Node Properties page

In the Node Properties page, click the Switch Level link associated with the level to which you want to change the node. Then the node level information is updated and changed. The node level is indicated by the green arrow.

Levels Behavior When Switching Node Levels

The following are general rules used when switching node levels:

  • Tree with strictly enforced levels: The parent node must always be at a higher level than its children.

  • Tree with loosely enforced levels: The parent node must be at the same or higher level than its children.

The following table shows the basic behavior of levels when the switch node level function is used.


Tree with Strictly Enforced Levels

Tree with Loosely Enforced Levels

Switching node to a higher level.

Only available for skipped nodes.

Can only ascend the number of levels that have been skipped.

PeopleSoft Tree Manager automatically adjusts the levels of the child nodes. For example, if the parent node is switched two levels, the children are automatically adjusted two levels.

Only available for skipped nodes.

Can only ascend the number of levels that have been skipped.

Levels of the child nodes are not automatically adjusted.

Switching node to a lower level.

To ensure that the parent node is always at a higher level than its children, PeopleSoft Tree Manager automatically adjusts the level of the node and its children.

PeopleSoft Tree Manager will automatically create additional levels, if necessary.

The levels of the pasted node and its children are not adjusted.

Note: If the switch results in a child node level becoming higher than its parent, PeopleSoft Tree Manager automatically adjust the level to be equal to the level of parent.

PeopleSoft recommends that when switching levels, you should switch to just one level at a time.

Use the Tree Node Maintenance page (PSTREENODEUPDATE) to edit node descriptions and other data.

To change the description of a node:

  1. Select Tree Manager > Tree Manager.

  2. Search for an existing tree or create a new one.

  3. Access the Tree Node Maintenance page by selecting a node in the Tree Manager page, and clicking the Edit Data icon.

    The page that appears here is defined by application.

  4. Update the value in the Description field.

  5. Enter the new date as well as a new description.

  6. Click the OK button to accept changes and return to the Tree Manager page.

Note: Tree node descriptions will not be visible if the effective date of the tree is earlier than the effective date of the node.

To delete a node:

  1. Select Tree Manager > Tree Manager.

  2. Search for an existing tree or create a new one.

  3. Highlight the node in the Tree Manager page, and click the Delete icon.

    Note: If you delete an object that has child nodes, all of its child nodes will also be deleted.

  4. In the message that appears, click the Yes button to delete or the No button to return to the tree without deleting.

To rename a node:

  1. Select Tree Manager > Tree Manager.

  2. Search for an existing tree or create a new one.

  3. Access the Node Properties page by selecting a node in the Tree Manager page, and clicking the Update Node Properties icon.

  4. Enter new name for the node in the New Name text box and click the Rename button.

Note: The edit data image is not available for the root node.

You cannot rename the root node or branched nodes.