Working with the Multiuser Environment

When the multiuser environment is enabled, PeopleSoft Tree Manager enables multiple users to work in the same environment and on the same tree or branch without the risk of losing individual work due to version control.

Note: PeopleSoft delivers PeopleSoft Tree Manager with the multiuser environment disabled. When you enable the multiuser environment for PeopleSoft Tree Manager, you also enable the multiuser environment for Query Access Manager.

See Building Query Access Group Trees, Using Query Access Group Trees.

The following example explains how PeopleSoft Tree Manager works when the multiuser environment is enabled:

User A, User B, and User C open the QE_ACCOUNTS tree at around the same time and can view only the tree without making any changes. During this time, Mode: Display appears at the top of the tree's page for all users, notifying them that the tree is in display mode. If User A wants to make changes to the tree, she must reserve the tree for editing. After she reserves the tree, Mode: Edit appears at the top of her QE_ACCOUNTS tree page, confirming that the tree is in edit mode for herself only. However, Mode: Display (Checked Out by User A) appears at the top of User B's and User C's QE_ACCOUNTS tree page, notifying these users that the QE_ACCOUNTS tree page is currently being edited by User A.

While User A has the tree in edit mode, only User A can edit the tree. Although User B and User C cannot edit the tree, they can still perform many actions. The following table describes the actions users can perform on trees in the multiuser environment, using this example. The first column lists the action. The second column denotes whether the action is available to User A while she has the QE_ACCOUNTS tree reserved. The third column denotes whether User B and User C can perform the action on the QE_ACCOUNTS tree while User A is editing the tree:


Available to User A

Available to User B and User C

Edit the tree definition.



View the tree definition.



Edit the application data.



Edit the tree.



Display the tree.



Navigate around the tree.



Change navigation options.



Change display options.



Save the tree.



Save the tree with different keys(tree name, effective date, and so on).



After User A releases the tree, it reverts to display mode for all users. It also reverts to display mode if User A does not perform any action on the tree for the length of time as defined in the time-out setting.

Note: When the multiuser environment is enabled, the display of the checkout mode and editing user will not be visible to users with view-only access. It will also not be visible to users working in the Tree Viewer module or to users accessing Tree Viewer pages through other applications.

Performing an Update or Cancel Due to a System Prompt

During the time a user has a tree in edit mode, other users who have the same tree in display mode will be required to either reload the tree or cancel out of the tree if the editing user performs any of the following:

  • Branches a tree without existing branches.

  • Deletes the last remaining branch of a tree.

  • Deletes the branch that has been opened by one of the other users (for example, User B or user C).

  • Saves the tree and releases it after performing the save.

If the user selects to reload a tree, PeopleSoft Tree Manager tries to open the tree at the node or leaf on which the user worked. If this is not possible, PeopleSoft application opens the tree at the first page of the tree.

Adding New Levels or Modifying Tree Definitions

When the multiuser environment is enabled, users can only add new levels or perform modifications to a tree definition when the root branch is checked out and the tree has no other checked out branches.

Note: When the multiuser environment is enabled, a user cannot check out a tree branch if another user working with a different branch of the same tree has modified the tree definition and either has or has not saved the changes.

If users edit specific branches without modifying the tree definition, other users can still edit different branches of the same tree at the same time.

Enabling the Multiuser Environment

Before enabling the multiuser environment, you must assign a unique user ID to each user. If you are not using the multiuser environment, you can use a shared user ID; however, this is not required.

To enable the multiuser environment:

  1. Select PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > PeopleTools Options.

  2. In the Tree Manager Options group box, select the Use Tree Update Reservation option.

  3. In the Max Tree Inactivity Period, min field, enter the number of minutes allowable for a user to remain inactive during edit mode.

    In PeopleSoft Tree Manager, inactivity is defined as not performing any operation. Minimal actions including navigation and clicking on tree entries or action images are considered to be active. If the user is inactive for the set number of minutes, the tree or branch reverts to display mode.

    Note: PeopleSoft recommends that you set the inactivity period at less than or equal to the browser time-out settings.

  4. Reboot the application server.

    Note: You must reboot the application server after enabling or disabling the multiuser environment and after changing the inactivity period in order for these changes to take effect.

    If a tree is opened in display mode, users can still modify user data such as node or leaf descriptions.

    If a tree is branched, users can check out different branches independently.

See Building Query Access Group Trees, Using Query Access Group Trees.