Checking for Worklist Timeouts

To check for worklist timeouts, use the Timeout Exceptions (WF_RUN_TIMEOUT) and Worklist Timeout Data (WF_TIMEOUT_DATA) components.

This section provides an overview of worklist timeouts.

When you define a worklist, you can set a timeout condition, which specifies how long a work item can remain unworked in a worklist before the system forwards it to another worklist. Define this in PeopleSoft Application Designer in the Worklist Attributes dialog box.

The system uses an Application Engine program to check for work items that have timed out and to forward them according to the timeout parameters. You must schedule the Application Engine program to activate this process.

To access the Timeout Exceptions page, select PeopleTools, Workflow, Monitor Worklists, Process Timed Out Work Items.

To check for worklist timeouts:

  1. Search for an existing run control ID, or add a new one.

    Use the standard search or add method to enter a run control ID and access the Timeout Exceptions page. This page displays the run control ID but doesn't contain editable controls.

  2. Click the Run button.

    The Process Scheduler Request page appears.

  3. Select the WL_TIMEOUT Application Engine program.

  4. Complete the page.

See Scheduling Process Requests.

Timeout parameters include an option to send timeout notifications to the user’s timeout worklist.

When users open items in their timeout worklists, they are transferred to the Timeout Worklist Data page for that work item. On this page, the user can view information about the timed-out work item, enter comments about the item, or reassign the item to another user ID.

You can also access this page directly by selecting PeopleTools, Workflow, Monitor Worklists, Review Timed Out Work Items.