Reviewing Approval History

To review approval history, use the Approval Instance Log (APPR_INST_LOG) component.

The Approval Instance log in the Workflow Administrator enables you to see the history of a work item as it passed through the steps of the approval process. You can determine which role users reviewed the item, what action they took, and the item’s status.

This section discusses how to review approval instances.

Access the Approval Instance Log page.

To review the approval history of a work item:

  1. Enter the approval instance ID of the work item in which you are interested.

    A work item’s approval instance ID is part of its worklist entry. Find it by viewing the worklist entry on the Worklist page (if you have access to the worklist) or by using the Worklist Monitor.

    When you enter the approval instance ID, the Approval Instance Log page displays the data for the specified item.

  2. Scroll through the steps in the process.

    When you first open this page, it displays information about how the work items entered the workflow (step 0, with the status Initiated). Scroll to review information for each subsequent step. The approval instance status for the last available step is the current status of the work item.