Understanding Approval Rule Sets

An approval rule set is a workflow map representing the criteria for determining which approvals are required for a transaction. The components of the map are individual approval steps: one for each level of approval.

Subsequent sections discuss how to:

  • Create approval rule sets.

  • Define approval steps.

  • Maintain approval rules.

Note: The Approval Rule Properties dialog box, Virtual Approver, and some currency-related PeopleCode functions depend on a set of database objects that only exist in an application database. The set of database objects includes: PS_RT_DFLT_VW, PS_RT_TYPE_TBL, and RT_TYPE_LANG. These database objects currently reside in the Common Components project, which is named EO_COMMON. If you require these features to function within the standalone, non-application database, then you must transfer these tables into the database using the upgrade copy feature in Application Designer.