PeopleTools 8.50 Accessibility Improvements

This table describes accessibility improvements for release 8.50 by product area:

Product Area


PeopleBook Cross-References for More Information


  • Redesigned the portal header to use list items for all links.

  • Rewrote the portal menu to use list items, which work better with screen readers than the older nested tables. List items make it easier for users to navigate the system.

  • Modified pagelet icons for minimize, maximize, help, and refresh functions to be usable through the keyboard. Previous releases required the use of a mouse.

  • PeopleTools: Portal Technology, “Modifying the Portal Interface”.

  • PeopleTools: Portal Technology, “Administering Portals”.

  • PeopleTools: Portal Technology, “Using Pagelet Wizard to Create and Manage Pagelets”.

PeopleSoft Internet Architecture (PIA)

  • Added page headers to all PIA pages, as follows:

    • <H1> tag for the page title.

    • <H2> tag for group boxes, grids, and scroll areas at level 0, using their titles.

    • <H3> tag for group boxes, grids, and scroll ares at level 1, using their titles.

    • <H4> tag for group boxes, grids, and scroll ares at level 2, using their titles.

    • <H5> tag for group boxes, grids, and scroll ares at level 3, using their titles.

    Note: All scroll areas and grids must have titles in order for some page headers to be generated.

    See Assigning Titles and Summaries for Grids and Scroll Areas.

  • Removed fieldset-legend tags from grid and scroll areas and replaced them with headers.

  • Improved grid areas by providing row and column header tags for every cell in a grid. These tags make it easier for users to navigate grids in edit mode.

  • Provided a title for the Expand/Collapse icon.

  • Provided better and more usable error reporting on the PIA pages and the sign-on page.

  • Added the ISO Language attribute to all pages (added the %LanguageISO Meta-HTML variable).

  • Provided a better indicator on the current focus control. This indicator helps visually impaired users see where the cursor is focused on the screen.

  • Made required fields readable by screen readers. Screen readers now read “* (Star) required field” before required fields.

  • Updated the search results table so that screen readers read it correctly, and added a row counter to the summary table.

  • PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide, “Creating Page Definitions”.

  • PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide, “Creating Record Definitions”.

  • PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide, “Using Scroll Areas, Scroll Bars, and Grids”.

PeopleSoft Application Designer

Provided the ability to populate summary text for grids so that users can provide descriptive information about grids.

See Assigning Titles and Summaries for Grids and Scroll Areas.

PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide, “Using Scroll Areas, Scroll Bars, and Grids”.

PeopleTools pages

Improved the HTML of delivered PeopleTools pages, including PeopleSoft Tree Manager, Query, Process Scheduler, Integration Broker, Security, Portal, and navigation pages.

Improvements include:

  • Removed unnecessary grid navigation headers (Skip and Jump).

  • Simplified portal headers and added header tags.

  • Removed unneeded anchor tags on pages.

  • Replaced <FONT> tags with style classes.

  • Replaced <U> tags with style classes.

  • Simplified navigation pages.

  • Reorganized some pages so that they are easier to use in Accessibility mode.

  • Labeled input fields.

  • Added column headings for grids.

  • Reviewed and clarified alternate text for images and buttons.

  • Added grid summaries to grids.

  • Reviewed and updated the tab order.

  • Noted all grid and scroll area sort indicators to help users identify which columns they can sort.

  • PeopleTools: Tree Manager

  • PeopleTools: Query

  • PeopleTools: Process Scheduler

  • PeopleTools: Integration Broker

  • PeopleTools: Security Administration

  • PeopleTools: Portal Technology