PeopleTools 8.51 Accessibility Improvements

This table describes accessibility improvements for release 8.51 by product area:

Product Area


PeopleBook Cross-References for More Information


Created a new grid customization page for Accessibility mode. This page makes it easier for users to customize grids.

PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide, “Using Scroll Areas, Scroll Bars, and Grids”.

PeopleTools pages

Added or clarified labels on pages, including duplicate references. In some situations, duplicate references to the same text were removed so as not to confuse users.

PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide, “Using Page Controls”.


Made the drop-down menu available in Accessible Layout mode. The drop-down menu is usable through the keyboard and uses ARIA tags to improve integration with screen readers. This functionality enables users to identify a specific record as a favorite.

PeopleTools: Portal Technology, “Understanding Portal Technology”.

Navigation or Functional Area Navigation (FAN) pages

Simplified the navigation or FAN pages to use list tags instead of HTML tables. This functionality makes these pages easier for screen readers to process.

PeopleTools: Portal Technology, “Working with Navigation Pages and Navigation Collections”.

PeopleSoft Integration Broker and other specific product pages

Improved the HTML in Accessible Layout mode, including:

  • Simplified and added links on Integration Broker pages.

  • Simplified the portal header and reduced the number of bullets that users can encounter.

  • Simplified the Add to Favorites page in Accessible Layout mode to improve usability.

PeopleTools: Integration Broker