PeopleTools 8.52 Accessibility Improvements

This table describes accessibility improvements for release 8.52 by product area:

Product Area


PeopleBook Cross-References for More Information

PIA Core Technology

In Accessible Layout mode, append 'Required' to the label of the field so screen reader reads it properly.

  • PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide, “Creating Page Definitions”.

  • PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide, “Creating Record Definitions”.

Rich Text Editor

Added additional language tags for Rich Text Editor.

  • PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide, “Creating Page Definitions”.

  • PeopleTools: Application User's Guide, “Using PeopleSoft Application Pages”.


Removed duplicate text on link if the alternate text is the same. Icons or buttons require the alternate text.

PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide, “Using Page Controls”.

Portal or PIA Search Functionality

Added or clarified alternate text on icons and buttons. In some situations, duplicate references to the same text were removed so as not to confuse users.

PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide, “Using Page Controls”.

PIA Core Technology

Removed extra label tags from non-form fields.

PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide, “Creating Page Definitions”.


In accessibility mode, the keyboard-only navigation is not available for the Related Content or Related Actions context menu. Alternatively, you can use the standard menu navigation.

PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide, “Using Page Controls”.