PeopleTools 8.55 Accessibility Improvements

This table describes accessibility improvements for release 8.55 by product area:

Product Area


PeopleBook Cross-References for More Information

PIA Core Technology

New personalization option for pagelet transfer warning in accessibility mode.

Defining User Preferences

PIA Core Technology

Enhanced keyboard commands for charts.

Navigating with the Keyboard

PIA Core Technology

New My Preferences page that contains various personalizations for customizing the user experience.

Defining User Preferences

PIA Core Technology: Fluid user interface

Ability to set the Aria attributes on page controls using the following PeopleCode commands:

  • Field Class.AriaWrapperAttributes = Ajax wrapper (outer container of fields)

  • Field Class.AriaAttributes = Actual Control (html tags of SELECT, INPUT, TEXTAREA, and A)

For example, Field Class.AriaAttributes = “aria-label=’Employee Photo’”;

Field Class Properties

PIA Core Technology: Fluid User Interface

New keyboard commands for drag and drop.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts